I have my SVA on Tuesday !st June and the car will still not self centre. Can any body tell me can you toe out too much so that the self centering stops working and also should the tyre pressures be high or low. Thanks guys an now getting very desperate indeed
I ran as much toe out as I could. Keep adding till it starts to work, I was running about 25 PSI in the tyres. I know another trick is to limit the
rack travel as some Tigers have too much lock, you do this with some meaty jubilee clips fitted to the rack under the gaiters.
Where abouts in Essex are you? I presume you will be useing Chelmsford testing station, if so blokes there are OK.
You need to get the tyre pressures down to 15/18 psi. It should give more effet.
You dont need to go mad on the toe out but some does help.
[Edited on 31:5:04 by Mk-Ninja]
Try increaing negative camber. It will increase the inclined arc of the wheel movement and may add more kingpin inclination centering effect.