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SVA pass at Chelmsford this morning
Chris Leonard - 2/7/04 at 11:19 AM

I just got my SVA pass!!!

Went through first <a href="">time</a>, the inspector, Mike Larkin was a great help and really wanted to assist in the pass.

Info for anyone who needs it:

I used braided hoses from Rally design: the ones with the stem inside the fittings
He didnt comment on these at all. They were covered in spiral wrap.

I put extra rubber gaiters on the track rod arms - effectively extending the orginal ones to the track rod ends. - No problem with this.

The speedo was just in limit - a smiths Dolomite speedo on a 4 speed escort box. Very touch and go but it just got there.

The brake <a href="">test</a> needed a few goes to get the balance right - ended up getting the 16 stone father in law to sit in the passenger seat to add weight to get the rear to lock up when needed.

The only minors to be put right were:
brake light switch; a bit of adjustment.
Nip up a bleed nipple

The brake failure warning light - I used the smiths Dolomite cheese segment one. I wired the warning light to the H brake section. This was OK up to a while ago but now the warning light must show (!) in a circle. We got round this by scrapeing a (!) into the black bit of the light.

My only other worry was the self centring which it wasnt doing much of but obviously enough

Hehe - Im off to the other bit of the DVLA to wait and get it registered

Thanks to all who helped - we've got a <a href="">car</a> now for the East Anglian meet!


Chris Leonard - 2/7/04 at 11:20 AM

Ooo seem to have got a few garbled bits in my message - sorry

David Jenkins - 2/7/04 at 11:22 AM

Well done, Chris!

Chelmsford will be my first choice - application goes in very soon...



Mk-Ninja - 2/7/04 at 12:30 PM

Well done

timf - 2/7/04 at 12:52 PM

Well done chris

i may see you on the roads at some point then.

locoboy - 2/7/04 at 01:45 PM

well done chris, have you put the rims i sold you to good use?

Chris Leonard - 2/7/04 at 01:53 PM

Yep the rims are on - just came back from the DVLA - the lady who does the registration is part time - no reg til monday. But it anot stopped me walking round with a silly grin all day

tractorboy - 2/7/04 at 01:59 PM

well done mate ! watch out east anglia !

zetec - 2/7/04 at 03:03 PM

well done mate, thats where I went, top blokes as you say. Nearly getting enough people in the area for a meet every once in a while.

type 907 - 2/7/04 at 04:37 PM


Will U2U in the morning.

Paul G