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Car insurance and SORN
scott h - 22/7/15 at 04:29 PM

I have just found out that a car has to be either 1. insured and taxed or 2. not insured and SORNed. A week ago I changed my tin top for a newer one and had to swap the insurance to the new car so that I could use the no claims bonus, by the way surely the person should have the NCB for any car? Anyway the result is that the old car is now sitting in my drive with no insurance but still taxed. It turns out that I will be fined if I don't declare a SORN even though the car is on private land. I was alerted by a friend who has just been fined for exactly the same thing and thought I would spread the word.

[Edited on 22/7/15 by scott h]

loggyboy - 22/7/15 at 04:43 PM

Whilst always good to share this, its been in effect for some time.

scott h - 22/7/15 at 05:07 PM

Well it was news to me and there must be others. I was aware that the tax is no longer transferable but I didn't know that by not having insurance even on private land I would be fined.

owelly - 22/7/15 at 07:35 PM

It's been the law since December 2013! You have to have tax and insurance OR SORN.

steve m - 22/7/15 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by owelly
It's been the law since December 2013! You have to have tax and insurance OR SORN.

That's the way I read it, as my car has always been insured, despite being of the road a couple of years, and years ago.

My reasoning is, that if garage fire started in my car, and it was not insured, my household insurance will not cover the costs

I did have a garage fire about 5 years ago, 20k damage, my car was not damaged much, but thankfully it was a battery charger that caused the damage


Charlie_Zetec - 23/7/15 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by steve m
Originally posted by owelly
It's been the law since December 2013! You have to have tax and insurance OR SORN.

That's the way I read it, as my car has always been insured, despite being of the road a couple of years, and years ago.

My reasoning is, that if garage fire started in my car, and it was not insured, my household insurance will not cover the costs

I did have a garage fire about 5 years ago, 20k damage, my car was not damaged much, but thankfully it was a battery charger that caused the damage


It's my understanding (as above) that a vehicle can't have tax but no insurance, but it is OK the other way round ie. insured but not taxed (must be declared SORN though). I know some on here have had "built-up" or "parts-only" insurance whilst building, which is exactly what I did when I rebuilt my Defender 90. And had no problems in the 6 months it was insured but not taxed (declared SORN).

DAN@ADRIAN FLUX - 24/7/15 at 03:38 PM

Yes we offer either build up insurance for kit cars or just fire and theft or accidental damage fire and theft cover for vehicles that the owners don't require road cover but want to make sure their vehicle is covered whist being kept off road.