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MS Word Forms
liam.mccaffrey - 13/6/11 at 04:08 PM

I'm doing some simple forms in MS word.

I have a number of sections which require a couple of option buttons. Only thing is I don't seem to be able to separate them between sections. For example I have 4 sections of a form on a single page, each with a yes no option, yet im only able to select a single option from the whole page not answer yes to each question. Does that make sense?

I'm sure its simple, can anyone help? I'm not too up on VB

dan_g8 - 13/6/11 at 07:08 PM

You will need to group two option buttons(Yes/No) together. select the two buttons that you want to group and go to properties and type in a group name. each set of 2 buttons will need to have its own group name.

Hope this helps


liam.mccaffrey - 13/6/11 at 09:12 PM

awesome, will try that tomorrow

liam.mccaffrey - 14/6/11 at 07:23 AM

Top Advice thanks!

dan_g8 - 14/6/11 at 12:24 PM

If you get stuck on anything else let me know. I do alot of VBA programming mainly for AutoCAD but its all the same sort of script for office.
