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Can't access site from home
mookaloid - 17/11/05 at 10:14 AM

I can access this site from work ok but for the last 2 days I haven't been able to get to it from my home PC.

Obviously the DNS isn't working somewhere as it says site not found and neotrace can't find it either. I have rebooted my PC but it makes no difference. Everything else is working ok, email other internet etc.

Any ideas anyone?



Strolls - 17/11/05 at 02:29 PM

Only slightly helpful answer: put in your hosts file?

jestre - 17/11/05 at 03:21 PM

another thing to try:

from a command line type "Ipconfig /flushdns"

mookaloid - 17/11/05 at 07:52 PM

At home now - just started working!

andyharding - 17/11/05 at 08:02 PM

This problem was caused by a member of the SovEx Internet exchange incorrectly announcing some BGP routes that didn't belong to them to Netrino, the company that host this site. All of our /19 block of IP addresses were also unable to access the site for the past couple of days

mookaloid - 17/11/05 at 08:38 PM

That would account for it

Thanks for letting me know Andy

