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Cookies and temp files
DarrenW - 17/11/05 at 04:27 PM

Youknow when you are browsing internet and you get cookies and temp files etc saved onto your hard do you find out where they are so they can be deleted? How can you be certain that youve found them all? Mine is a works PC so id like to remove history trace etc if poss.

PS i know nowt about PC's so make it simple please!

[Edited on 17/11/05 by DarrenW]

jestre - 17/11/05 at 04:35 PM

in IE tools-options-delete files


start - accessories - system tools -disk cleanup.

location is C:documents and settingsyourusernamelocal settingstempory internet files (tempory internet files)


C:documents and settingsyourusernamecookies (cookies)

and C:documents and SettingsYour usernameLocal SettingsHistory (history)

[Edited on 11/17/2005 by jestre]

[Edited on 11/17/2005 by jestre]

mangogrooveworkshop - 17/11/05 at 04:37 PM

Window washer is a good prog for that.

jestre - 17/11/05 at 04:38 PM

deleting these files means nothing if your employer is using a proxy server or internet filtering software.

daz - 17/11/05 at 04:39 PM

they dont get deleted completely.. they get saved in a different folder which you cant get to from just browsing your harddisk (just makes you think that they are totally gone) but theres free software available,39025604,39051329s,00.htm <-- thats the one i use, really small file size aswell, easily fit onto a floppy disk. make sure you dont tick the password box for your operating system, could cause problems with your network (did mine, couldnt get access to files on another computer) be sure to click wipe(not just delete) to ensure your the cookies/history are fully gone

[Edited on 17/11/05 by daz]

jestre - 17/11/05 at 04:39 PM

If I saw window washer on an employees PC, I would immediately consider an audit.

[Edited on 11/17/2005 by jestre]

[Edited on 11/17/2005 by jestre]

DarrenW - 18/11/05 at 10:21 AM

Thanks guys. I followed Jestre's advice ref file location which worked a treat.

Ive also tried internet sweeper - hope it works ok without causing PC problem!

Im not so much concerned about what data is held on the PC, more concerned that the memory gets full of shh11te and affects performance.
Am i right in my understanding that when i view videos etc linked from LCB, or look at cars in autotrader website etc (ebay....) that those site leave hidden files on the memory and internet sweeper simply removes them? I dont want the police to seixe my computer and see that i have been looking for a diesel family car - that would be way too embarassing!!!!!!!