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Centre Mirror and Aeroscreen
Yorkie - 11/5/11 at 12:52 PM

I'm having difficulty deciding how to mount the centre mirror.

My two options are: Mount the mirror to the scuttle and pass the stem through a hole in the aeroscreen or mount the mirror directly to the aeroscreen.
Not sure if the aeroscreen is strong enough when bolted in place.

How have you mounted yours?

40inches - 11/5/11 at 12:57 PM

I used the first option and used a grommet to seal around the mirror stem

afj - 11/5/11 at 01:02 PM

option one here

Humbug - 11/5/11 at 01:03 PM

Th thread here shows a pic of how I mounted mine: solid mounted to the scuttle though the screen with a spacer, so the screen is sandwiched between the top and the spacer. It made it very stable and also helped reduce flex of the aeroscreen.

big_wasa - 11/5/11 at 01:35 PM

The first one.

couch22k - 11/5/11 at 02:48 PM

Option 1 on the scuttle mine.

adithorp - 11/5/11 at 03:47 PM

I spoke to someone at Stoneleigh with option 2. I t was being altered to Op1 as Op2 vibrated so much the mirror was useless.

Yorkie - 11/5/11 at 03:50 PM

Thanks guys.

Option 1 it is then.