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Covering edges around panel cutouts
PeterW - 26/9/07 at 07:50 AM

Whats the general consensus about the cut outs round the front suspension components...? Mine are pretty smooth and close to the rocker arms etc, but don't interfere. Do they need edging strip around them, or as you can't get a finger to them, are they ok without..?



nick205 - 26/9/07 at 08:04 AM

For SVA I'd cover them and be done with it. Alternatively you could take some U trim with you and fit it if the the examiner picks up on it.

02GF74 - 26/9/07 at 08:18 AM

I put some trim on the cut outs - I think the examiners sphere wouldn;t reach but better safe than sorry.

Maplins used to sell some rubber circular trim perfect for t hin metal sheet.