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Swirl Pot positioning
Pants On Fire - 7/4/08 at 10:43 AM

I currently have no swirl pot fitted and suffer fuel starvation on track when the tank is about 1/4 full on left handers, in effect I get lift off oversteer which can be a bit entertaining and frustrating to say the least.

I have space in the engine bay for a swirl pot but I'm also considering mounting it in the boot of the Indy, partly because it will be easier to fit, no long fuel lines to run the length of the car through the tunnel.

Anyone else put one in the boot? Any advantages/disadvantages? I will try and get it mounted as centrally as possible in the boot.


Agriv8 - 7/4/08 at 10:59 AM

My swirl pot is in the engine Bay.

There will be heat soak from the engine ( but my lift pump keep the fuel rotating so this is returned to the tank ).

I would put it in the rear.



les - 7/4/08 at 01:23 PM


I have just fitted one in the boot after suffereing exactly the problem you describe- at brands through the left handers. I fitted it in the boot due to lack of space anywhere else on the avon- seems to work fine, but when you open the boot cover and see all the fuel lines and plumbing it does look like an overly complex solution to the problem!
