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Megasquirt USB - Serial cable / converter
Blackbird Rush - 13/8/08 at 09:58 PM

Getting ready to assemble the megasquirt ecu but my laptop does not have a serial socket.

Where is the best place to get a reliable usb to serial converter?



zetec7 - 13/8/08 at 10:04 PM

I can't help you as to where to buy one, but I expect you'll need to create a "virtual serial port" on your laptop. That's what I had to do to connect my Garmin GPS to my XP-based laptop. The adapter I bought came with a small CD containing the drivers/software, and it installed without any difficulties. You DO have to remember which USB port is assigned, as only ONE of them will be a virtual serial port. I discovered that the hard way - I thought the system had failed the next time I tried to use it, as the GPS software advised that there was no serial port found...until I connected to the correct USB...

omega 24 v6 - 13/8/08 at 10:17 PM

I'm having mixed sucess with one I "borrowed" from work. It seems to work ok on comunication/tuning but i could not get it to download the firm ware. IIRC i had to do that in mini terminal or hyperterminal but don't ask how cause it was like a million years ago. I'll try and find out what type it is tommorrow as it's out in the workshop at the moment.

MkIndy7 - 14/8/08 at 12:10 AM

I got one from Maplins when they were on special offer, about £12.

Provided you set it to run as COM1 you should have no problems, infact MS even searches for it on other COM ports but if you can manually select COM1 its better.

I think the versions that are on offer on Ebay etc are pretty generic and probably use the same hardware.

GregSL75 - 14/8/08 at 05:43 AM

They won't all work apparently, it depends on the chipset. That said, I just gambled and bought a cheapo one from Ebuyer IIRC and it's worked fine other than Megatune won't see the MS unit so I have to use Megatunix, which is fine because it's better anyway.

Blackbird Rush - 14/8/08 at 07:49 AM

Thanks chaps, i'll have a nose in maplins on my way past later.

Megatunix not an option as ive only got windoze


r1_pete - 14/8/08 at 08:50 AM

There was a thread on Autosport Labs, which stated the cheapo eastern offering on ebay tended not to work. Quality jobs from 'proper' otlets were ok, as stated above configured COM1 etc....

martyn_16v - 14/8/08 at 04:21 PM

As has been mentioned, USB-serial converters are hit and miss. I use a PCMCIA serial card, they're much more reliable. Never misses a beat when connecting to MS or any of the legacy equipment I have at work. Wouldn't ever bother with a USB jobby these days.

You can pick the PCMCIA cards up on eBay for a tenner or so from Hong Kong

martyn_16v - 14/8/08 at 04:23 PM

Something like this. There are slightly cheaper ones but I prefer the type with the flying lead so I can leave the card in the laptop permanently and not have a lump sticking out the side.