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CBS 12V Module Wiring
damajin - 17/4/09 at 11:15 AM

Hey all, I need to pick your collective brains about a wiring issue I am having. I have bought one of the CBS 12V Modules as the jump off point for re-wiring my KC. On the whole I am comfortable with all the wiring, but I am fitting a cut-off switch into the circuit and not sure how best to hook it all up. In the wiring diagram for the module it shows connections from the alternator and starter solenoid directly to pins 5 and 6 respectively which obviously won't work for me.

So to my questions:
1) Does anyone have any experience of using this module from CBS and if so did you fit a kill switch?

2) Any idea why there are connections to both the starter solenoid and the alternator on the module, couldn't you just connect the alternator to the battery and the battery to the module? Hence, is there any reason that wiring it up as per the diagram below won't work?

3) Do you NEED to use a resistor somewhere in the circuit for when the kill switch is used (I only plan to use this as a hidden key switch for immobilisation purposes, but thought I should check). If so what sort of size should it be?

4) Their diagram shows an alternator with just 1 output (not counting the warning lamp connection), but mine has 2 I assume these can just be connected togther and used as one.

Thanks in advance

mark chandler - 17/4/09 at 12:09 PM

The two connections are joined internally on the alternator, two plugs to share the load on crimped fittings, just join together on the outside as well

Regards Mark

damajin - 20/4/09 at 01:39 PM

Thanks Mark for the reply. I have made a start over the weekend. but was really hoping for a little more input on this over the weekend.