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Roadrunner Racing
dazzx10r - 8/10/10 at 02:25 PM

Hi, whats happend to Roadrunner? have they gone bust? I called round there the other day for a nosey around and it was all shut up. Anyone know whats happend???

PAUL FISHER - 8/10/10 at 03:54 PM

Word is, its been sold on to a guy in the hull area.

gavin174 - 8/10/10 at 03:57 PM

there is a rumour about them being sued by a more well know kit manufacturer.....

scootz - 8/10/10 at 04:06 PM

... who... who?

Love a bit of gossip me!

Mad Dave - 8/10/10 at 04:10 PM


there is a rumour about them being sued by a more well know kit manufacturer.....

A rumour that you just made up?

I also heard about the company in Hull

loggyboy - 8/10/10 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by gavin174
there is a rumour about them being sued by a more well know kit manufacturer.....

I would expect Westfield as the FW400 front end was near identical to the SR2

PAUL FISHER - 8/10/10 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by gavin174
there is a rumour about them being sued by a more well know kit manufacturer.....

Not true

gavin174 - 8/10/10 at 04:17 PM

it must be true....

I heard it from a man who's mum went to school with the bloke who knew a man who was once married to the woman next doors cousin...

you cant get it any more straight from the horses mouth than that.

[Edited on 8/10/10 by gavin174]

franky - 8/10/10 at 04:19 PM

So what is true? Feel for those who've bought a kit

Mad Dave - 8/10/10 at 04:22 PM


Feel for those who've bought a kit

Why? The car is still available

franky - 8/10/10 at 04:29 PM

Who from at the minute then?

interestedparty - 8/10/10 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Mad Dave

Feel for those who've bought a kit

Why? The car is still available

Sometimes what happens is when someone buys a kit they are still owed bits or there are problems with some of the parts, then the new owners don't feel obliged to take over those 'liabilities'.

People who bought a Luego from the previous owners will know what I mean.

franky - 8/10/10 at 04:36 PM

Who from at the minute then?

scootz - 8/10/10 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
I would expect Westfield as the FW400 front end was near identical to the SR2...

... the very notion of Westfield suing someone for copying their products brings a wry smile to my face!

I mean, who else has a kit-car product know as the 'Pre-Lit' model!

jacko - 8/10/10 at 06:47 PM

Anyone know who it is in Hull thats bought the roadrunner writes ?
living in Hull that may be handy to know

[Edited on 8/10/10 by jacko]

RichardK - 8/10/10 at 07:50 PM

Bugger, I was going to start a rumour that Jacko had bought it but too late

tul214 - 8/10/10 at 08:05 PM

Well if it isn't Graham, it must be Andy W

jacko - 8/10/10 at 08:40 PM

Originally posted by tul214
Well if it isn't Graham, it must be Andy W

OR is it you Mark is that why you sold your tiger you said you was doing something new

tul214 - 8/10/10 at 08:50 PM

I wish.....the builder has taken all my money!!

dilley - 8/10/10 at 10:29 PM

I have been told by a very good source that the 2 new owners have parted company and for now Road Runner has shut the door...

roadrunnerracing - 12/10/10 at 07:39 PM


Just to let people know about Roadrunnerracing, yes it has been sold to a bloke from Hull (nearer Hull than Rotherham anyway), the company should be up and running again in a few weeks, sorry the phone is not being answered it cannot be put on a divert either because it was linked to another company. I run another business so unless we are moving items no one will be at the current address.
It has not gone bust the current owner has decided to sell the business. It is not being sued by anyone or another kitcar manufacturer. As soon as I have a new phone number I will add it to the website, as well as the new address.
From today I have access to the emails so if anyone requires further information just send an email to the website. I will check it daily.

Regards Mike

jacko - 16/10/10 at 04:09 PM

any more news on who has bought them ?

PAUL FISHER - 16/10/10 at 08:19 PM

Nice to see the company is still up and running, its a great bit of kit, it would have been a shame for it to go to the wall.
Good luck with the company for the future Mike

roadrunnerracing - 17/10/10 at 10:24 PM

Thanks for the kind words, I agree it is a great kit. My company was started in 1988 so can give roadrunnerracing a lot of support with further development and financial backing. Steve, Dave and Kevin have all done a great job and we will continue the very high standards they have set.


jacko - 12/12/10 at 03:52 PM

any news about roadruner how is the new owner getting on ?
do we know where the new work shop is yet ?

franky - 12/12/10 at 04:03 PM

The new owner was at Exeter, they've only sold 4 or 5 kits since they came out at the start of this year too which is surprising.

roadrunnerracing - 15/12/10 at 08:16 PM

w w w . r o a d r u n n e r r a c i n g . n e t
Ring Mike: 07802 766128 or Nick at Automotive Repair: 01482 668088
Unit 8, Jetpark, Main Road, Newport, Brough, East Yorkshire HU15 2PR

PAUL FISHER - 15/12/10 at 10:17 PM

Link to webb site.

roadrunnerracing - 8/1/11 at 06:52 PM

Just check out our website at for contact and address details.

We are also advertising in the kit car magazines.

jacko - 8/1/11 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by roadrunnerracing
Just check out our website at for contact and address details.

We are also advertising in the kit car magazines.

It still says you are based in Rotherham half way down your front page
I know its the right address on the contact part at the top of the page
But you probably know that
I will come and have a look in better weather saying i only live in Hull
All the best Jacko

ceebmoj - 10/1/11 at 04:28 PM

web sight seams to be down does any body have an update?

roadrunnerracing - 15/1/11 at 02:43 PM

Just clicked Paul's link and straight to the website so not sure why you have a problem.

The website will get sorted in the next few weeks with an updated price list. Hopefully prices will be less not more.

Buying my materials at twice the quantities to get better discounts which I will pass on.

Regards Mike

PAUL FISHER - 15/1/11 at 03:23 PM

Yes webb site working ok for me.

Ninehigh - 15/1/11 at 08:20 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Originally posted by loggyboy
I would expect Westfield as the FW400 front end was near identical to the SR2...

... the very notion of Westfield suing someone for copying their products brings a wry smile to my face!

I mean, who else has a kit-car product know as the 'Pre-Lit' model!

I've heard the Burning Touring Car Company do a pre-lit version

I'll get me coat...