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Explanation of Massa's crash
Paul (Notts) - 26/7/09 at 04:51 PM

good info on what happend.


york-rhino - 26/7/09 at 04:55 PM

lets hope he is ok. just shows the dangers of motorsport.

MK9R - 26/7/09 at 05:08 PM

jesus christ!!! Another freak accident aAfter surtees last week aswell!

Stuart_B - 26/7/09 at 05:50 PM

that was bad.

and at the end they show you where it was, and that looked like that would have been hard to get out off. but it did.

hope mass get better


iscmatt - 26/7/09 at 06:20 PM

i wonder if they will ever introduce cockpit covers like that of a jet plane with regards to safety.

especially after this, plus surtees and also when coulthard was nearly decapitated (no exageration) when a car went over the top of his

mediabloke - 26/7/09 at 06:55 PM

Like the prototype / Le Mans cars? There might be aerodynamic benefits too, so it could well happen.

I confess I was amazed that he was still with us, when I heard what happened. If it had hit his visor, rather than his helmet, it may have been a different story...