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Find Al a new car....
alistairolsen - 25/10/09 at 12:42 PM

Interesting car matching exercise

Must be:

Cheap to insure (coming off a 12 month ban at age 23)
More than 1100kg unladen (need to tow an 1100kg gross trailer)
more than 100bhp/tonne (anything less is unbearable)
Cheap to keep running (probably precludes jap parts prices)
Less than £2000 to buy in good condition (no buy for £1000 and then spend 1500 doing it up)
Must be a tintop with 5 seats.

Anyone got any suggestions?


andkilde - 25/10/09 at 12:53 PM

Eek! You'd have to get liquored up and run over a dozen nuns to ge a 12 month ban in Canada, your laws must be nasty.

I prefer rear drivers for towing, Vauxhall/Opel Omega (I think that's what they're called, GM tarted them up and sold them as the Cadillac Catera over here or an older rear drive Volvo.

Cheers, Ted

bi22le - 25/10/09 at 01:23 PM

Volvo are tanks. It fits your criteria. Dont know about the insurance though. Depending what your ban was for depends how raped your going to be by the insurance companies.

They dont like no insurance bans put it that way!

blakep82 - 25/10/09 at 02:00 PM

actually, looking at the 2 above, volvo makes sense to me too. think insurance might be pretty good, considering their stereotypical drivers

liam.mccaffrey - 25/10/09 at 02:08 PM

my 98 v70 AWD ticks all your boxes except cheap insurance
old volvos might well be worth investigating

Benzine - 25/10/09 at 02:23 PM

A '95 or earlier volvo will get classic insurance. The difference in quotes I got for a 96 940 and a 95 940 were massive

alistairolsen - 25/10/09 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by andkilde
Eek! You'd have to get liquored up and run over a dozen nuns to ge a 12 month ban in Canada, your laws must be nasty.

Dangerous driving - no evidence beyond police testimony, no accident, incident or anything. IMO it was a whitewash but once theyve given their story youre left with "I didnt do it"

Old volvos do attract low premiums. I agree with rwd for towing but for 1100kg its not imperative.

Dad had an 850 t5 which was a cool car, an early non turbo one might be an option...

Is it only 15 years old for classic insurance now?

Cheers guys!

Dangle_kt - 25/10/09 at 03:05 PM


have I understood from your post that you are 24 years old now? if so most classic car policies only apply to over 25 year olds.

Some will cover you, but you will be unable to get the best deal as you will be limited. - 25/10/09 at 04:07 PM

BMW E30 or E36 without question! Engine choice is huge! Plenty of power and RWD action! wooooo

alistairolsen - 25/10/09 at 04:12 PM

Originally posted by
BMW E30 or E36 without question! Engine choice is huge! Plenty of power and RWD action! wooooo

unfortunately due to the hooligan tramptrift boys the insurance is skyhigh!

I am 23 and will be when I begin the policy

iank - 25/10/09 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by alistairolsen
Interesting car matching exercise

Must be:

Cheap to insure (coming off a 12 month ban at age 23)
More than 1100kg unladen (need to tow an 1100kg gross trailer)
more than 100bhp/tonne (anything less is unbearable)
Cheap to keep running (probably precludes jap parts prices)
Less than £2000 to buy in good condition (no buy for £1000 and then spend 1500 doing it up)
Must be a tintop with 5 seats.

Anyone got any suggestions?


I suspect
Cheap to insure (coming off a 12 month ban at age 23)
more than 100bhp/tonne (anything less is unbearable)

Are going to be mutually exclusive.

A1 - 25/10/09 at 05:32 PM

an old landy?

02GF74 - 25/10/09 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
A '95 or earlier volvo will get classic insurance. The difference in quotes I got for a 96 940 and a 95 940 were massive

who from? i have '94 850 T5.

i vote for 850 volvo too.

it breaks my heart to see how cheap they are on ebay, mines yet to do 100 k, mo rust, going as string as ever but worthless.

[Edited on 25/10/09 by 02GF74]

02GF74 - 25/10/09 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by A1
an old landy?

they'll be cheap to insure, pull the trailer no probs (I think) and are unbeatable off road.

but not comfy - what do you expect from a 50 year old meccano kit - you woudn't want to do long journeyus on a regukar basis - , not goot mpg - 20 mpg if you are lucky plus slower than a half asleep slug so nore like 20 bhp per tonne.

Benzine - 25/10/09 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Benzine
A '95 or earlier volvo will get classic insurance. The difference in quotes I got for a 96 940 and a 95 940 were massive

who from? i have '94 850 T5.

i vote for 850 volvo too.

I'm pretty sure it was footman james. Didn't realise it only applied to over 25s (I am 25 btw) The quote for the 940 turbo from 96 was skyhigh, like over a grand. A 940 turbo from '95 was around the £300 mark on classic policy

liam.mccaffrey - 25/10/09 at 09:23 PM

i have a 98 v70 turbo i'm 28 with my 24 yo wife and its 400quid with out no claims

alistairolsen - 25/10/09 at 09:33 PM

Ran a couple of quotes and the volvo 850 2.0 10v is similar money to an Audi A4 1.8t and a vectra 2.0l. Interestingly the 960 with the 2.5 10v engine is around £150 more expensive.

Not tried an s40, but I suspect being a touch more desirable to 'yoofs' they will be more expensive.

morcus - 26/10/09 at 05:00 PM

I don't know how powerful a vovlo 440 is but the are relativly cheap to insure and will easilly seat 5 people.

I would have thought a landy would be absurdly expensive for a 23 y/o who'd already had a ban for dangerous driving.

I'd recomend looking at bigger French cars like the 405 or the XM.

You'll have a hard time finding a car thats cheap to insure and good for towing though. You might be better to look at a van.

Benzine - 26/10/09 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by morcus
I don't know how powerful a vovlo 440 is but the are relativly cheap to insure and will easilly seat 5 people.

240 - win, 360 - win, 740 - win, 940/960 - win

440 - fail wheel drive

MikeRJ - 26/10/09 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
Originally posted by morcus
I don't know how powerful a vovlo 440 is but the are relativly cheap to insure and will easilly seat 5 people.

360 - win,

Horrible cars.

Benzine - 26/10/09 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by Benzine
360 - win

Horrible cars.

[Edited on 26/10/09 by Benzine]

morcus - 26/10/09 at 06:02 PM

To be fair, anything that matches the brief won't be a very good car.

britishtrident - 26/10/09 at 07:29 PM

Rover 600 (620) Towing weight 1200 kg 129 bhp

Nothing every goes wrong with them apart from the distributer module.

Just watch for rust where the rear wheel arch lip meets the sill anf boot floor.

If you want more power and dearer insurance the 623 has 158bhp not sure how many of those hp are real feels not that much faster than the 620.

If you cheaper insurance the 618 has claimed 115bhp but the power feels just the same as the 620 - 26/10/09 at 08:12 PM

Not sure your going to get something 100bhp/T and cheap to insure.

How about an E34 5series?

alistairolsen - 26/10/09 at 09:07 PM

Rover 620 is cheap, 623 is conparable with similar audi or volvo, BMW for some reason is more, even in 520 guise (walking is faster)