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£1000 of credit card debt in 7 days...
blakep82 - 14/12/09 at 10:34 AM

thats not mine
looks like someones got my card details from somewhere
bank just called, which is good, but not cool that some chumps been spending money on sh!t on my card.

balidey - 14/12/09 at 10:39 AM

So, thats 4 cars they hope to build.

Girl in our office is in the same position, but only stung her for a couple of hundred, she is in a real state. Not so much the fact she is (temporarily) out of pocket, more the fact that someone has done this to her.

stevec - 14/12/09 at 10:40 AM

Small franchised petrol stations are a bit famous for this if you have been in one recently.


blakep82 - 14/12/09 at 10:45 AM

i haven't used this card in a year. swapped the balance over to a 0% for 18 month thing and that finishes in may.

Mr Whippy - 14/12/09 at 11:11 AM

perhaps then some one has got access to a list of card details, probably from a business that has recently closed.

02GF74 - 14/12/09 at 11:18 AM

damn, foiled again.

I wouldn't call a couple of snazzy suits, wide screen telly and an alloy radiator poo - go wash your mouth out.

blakep82 - 14/12/09 at 11:19 AM

could be ^
i really don't know. the bank seem quite happy its not me, so no problems. i'll get a fraud letter out which i sign and send back to them.

blakep82 - 14/12/09 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
damn, foiled again.

I wouldn't call a couple of snazzy suits, wide screen telly and an alloy radiator poo - go wash your mouth out.

ha ha

i would call £300 in gamestation (i don't play computer games) and £320 on an 'american catalog merchant', various itunes buys (i hate ipods and itunes) and some pay pal (which might have been good stuff) pretty poo

DM - 14/12/09 at 11:48 AM

Originally posted by balidey
more the fact that someone has done this to her.

it's happened to me plenty of times - had several thousand taken from my current account in one hit - but card issuers are pretty swift at resolving the matter. I certainly wouldn't take it personally. Just one of those things...

blakep82 - 14/12/09 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by DM
Originally posted by balidey
more the fact that someone has done this to her.

it's happened to me plenty of times - had several thousand taken from my current account in one hit - but card issuers are pretty swift at resolving the matter. I certainly wouldn't take it personally. Just one of those things...

its not a problem for me. the bank sorted it quick so thats cool. just annoying not knowing how its happened, if they got any other card details etc.

mcerd1 - 14/12/09 at 01:08 PM

about 3 years back I got £5500 taken in 4 hours from my switch card

I just had to report it to the police and give the bank the crime number and that was it
never really found out what happened, but the bank gave me the money back and new cards in a few days and told me not to worry they where dealing with it (RBS)

[Edited on 14/12/09 by mcerd1]

paul the 6th - 14/12/09 at 01:25 PM

Originally posted by mcerd1
about 3 years back I got £5500 taken in 4 hours from my switch card

Prolly some pissed up investment bankers making stupid bets with each other

pumpers - 14/12/09 at 02:06 PM

My missus got done last month. no idea where they got the details. Bank ( Natwest) were really good. Only problem was with PAYPAL who I will never ever use again. One of the transactions for £350 was through a paypal acocunt in my wifes name. She's never had a paypal account so whoever did the fraud set one up in her name. However paypal have been an absolute nightmare in trying to resolve this and give me my money back. After numerous phone calls, 8 emails and lots of being fobbed off last week I got an email saying this :
Thank you for contacting PayPal.

We have completed our investigation of your case and as there is
insufficient evidence in support of your claim, we have denied your
Unauthorized Credit Card Use Claim.

If you have additional questions regarding your claim, please contact our
Customer Service Department at 1-888-221-1161.

Thanks again for writing, and thank you for being part of the PayPal

As far as I can tell there has been no investigation whatsoever and I know the transaction is fraudulent.

Anyone of thinking of using PAYPAL google them first to find out what you are letting yourself in for !


Richard Quinn - 14/12/09 at 03:51 PM

Apparently I was ordering something from at £700ish the other day and Santander rang my missus to ask if this was right. Normally this has been a bit of an issue as the card account is in her name and she gets informed of any potential surprise gifts. This time it was a welcome intervention!

Paul (Notts) - 14/12/09 at 05:17 PM

Mine was cloned last year and some one in Srilanka used it to buy £900+ worth of weapons and ammunition!!!!according to the bank.


six months later someone in India was using it to get cash out.

Both linked to one petrol station that the bank fraud squad ask me not to use in future.


Badger_McLetcher - 14/12/09 at 06:16 PM

A women at my dad's work got taken for about a £1500 the other day. She was trying to book the work's christmas do, turns out the website was a scam, they only found out the day it was meant to happen when they phoned the hotel directly and they didn't know bugger all about it!

morcus - 14/12/09 at 09:15 PM

A few years ago someone managed to take something like £24,000 out of my parents acount to buy a holiday, the money was something to do with a mortgage transfer or a car loan and should only have been there for a week in an acount that is normally empty (In many ways the money didn't really exist as actual money because it was just a transfer of one debt to another).
The people in whos name the holiday was claimed they thought some one had bought them a holiday and that they knew nothing about the fraud.
The worst thing was that it was an inside job and the bank know who it was but we're not allowed to so theres no closure.
My Brother got caught out by a petrol station ATM, the stupid thing is we told him not to use it because it charges and theres a tesco down the road with a free one.