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Big Pizza Hut motor?
Alez - 17/5/04 at 07:10 AM

Don't buy a big bike if you can't afford to feed it or you will end up like this!!

(I took this pic a couple of days ago in my area.)


timcrasher - 17/5/04 at 09:31 AM

going by the size of the avarage custom bike rider, thats probably his mid morning snack

timcrasher - 17/5/04 at 09:33 AM

But, then again if it delivered a pizza, the vibrations from the bike would turn it to bread crumbs

Alez - 17/5/04 at 09:52 AM

going by the size of the avarage custom bike rider, thats probably his mid morning snack

Aaah, so that's just a lunch box that's what it is!