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Stung on piston heads
locosaki - 5/9/10 at 09:37 PM

Hi All,

Last week I saw something on Piston Heads for sale in the classifieds.

Any way I made contact with the seller and we agreed a price.

Now naively I paid for this through paypal as a gift on his request !

Looking back I now know I've been screwed over for £100.

I know I have no chance of any comeback and I have no real idea where this dick stays,All I have is an email address and a mobile number.

People like this need shot !!

His name on piston heads is robert jacob so beware if you come across.

Any one got any tips on what to do then please fire away !!

liam.mccaffrey - 5/9/10 at 09:40 PM

first thing i would do is google his email and phone numbers

surprising what that can throw up

StevieB - 5/9/10 at 09:41 PM

Drop an email and ring the number just to be sure.

Then, if you're sure you've been ripped, sounds like fraud/theft to me so call to the police is in order.

I'm sure people may disagree, but I always look to come down as hard as possible on anyone who tries to pull the wool over my eyes - doing it via the law is an even sweeter feeling.

eddie99 - 5/9/10 at 09:42 PM

What did you buy? and even though you sent it as a gift, i would definitely contact paypal and i reckon you have a chance of getting your money back.

thunderace - 5/9/10 at 09:48 PM

contact paypal tell then if you have no joy with them you will cantact the police.

locosaki - 5/9/10 at 10:09 PM

I've contacted paypal and there saying because I paid as a gift that I have no come back through them.

I've emailed this person several times now and he's told me it was posted,I got a mate to email asking if it was still forsale and the seller answer was "yea mate" Thats when I started to worry.

I've spoken to someone from the Police and to be honest they more of less said to put it down to experience and there not to interested without more info !!

locosaki - 5/9/10 at 10:14 PM

I've just googled his email address,He's well known for ripping people off !!

Here's his address

Peteff - 5/9/10 at 10:54 PM

Report it to the moderators on Pistonheads at least so they can get him pulled.

mangogrooveworkshop - 5/9/10 at 11:04 PM


messigti is offline
1999 Peugeot 106 GTi 1.6 16v

Join Date
May 2010

his name is paul cullen well thats the name on his paypal


[Edited on 5-9-10 by mangogrooveworkshop]

Lars - 5/9/10 at 11:15 PM

If you paid via a credit card, i.e. Paypal took the funds from your credit card just go straight to them to dispute the transaction.

liam.mccaffrey - 6/9/10 at 07:07 AM

any idea where in wales he is?

graememk - 6/9/10 at 07:12 AM

Mike_Jones28-06-2010, 17:59
Skinner is/was a well known scammer on here. Didnt know he was Messigti though. He needs banning. :/

He's from Swansea area. Seen him in his car once, but was well before I knew about him ripping people off.

bigpig - 6/9/10 at 07:25 AM

You could try That used to be good for searching electoral roll.

I would have thought you can also request someone's address via paypal. Normally you put the address in during registration. I've had my address requested before (as I forgot to give the bloke I bought my trailer off the post code). The person also gets an email to confirm you have requested their details along with a copy of your details. Could be good for them to know you are on to them.

bigpig - 6/9/10 at 07:32 AM

The other trick to try is to offer to buy of him,t hen rather than paypal, say you can do cash
"sorry don't have paypal account" and pick up. Depnending on if he is as dumb as a box of rocks you may get lucky.

BenB - 6/9/10 at 08:13 AM

Yeh- get your friend to offer to buy it but to say he can't do Paypal but can send him a cheque. That'll get an address and a real name!

[Edited on 6/9/10 by BenB]

mangogrooveworkshop - 6/9/10 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
any idea where in wales he is?

Liam you sound like the welsh mafia and you are going to do a drive by and throw leeks at him.......

Ninehigh - 6/9/10 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
any idea where in wales he is?

Liam you sound like the welsh mafia and you are going to do a drive by and throw leeks at him.......

Or sheep

02GF74 - 6/9/10 at 09:40 AM

unfortunatley police will do nowt - they have problay 1,000s of these type of complaints every day so investigating them will use up valuable donut eating time or manning speed cameras.

as suggested. if you can get a mate to enquire about stuff being sold then try to find the address.

think carefully about how you deal with it - you can ask politely for money back but once you start threats and voilence, chance are you will end up in the deep doo-doo.

at the very least, you can send parcels contanining severred chicken heads and rotting livers just to fell better.

£ 100 is not a £ 1,000 or £ 10,000 - so not a huge sum of money but effing annoying all the same.

Benzine - 6/9/10 at 09:43 AM

Get his details by social engineering. If he's on a social networking site then pretend to be a girl to get his address.

scootz - 6/9/10 at 11:06 AM

I'm for you!

Perhaps we should all chip in a fiver each to form some kind of LCB protective-union!

Use the funds to cover the purchase of an old transit-van, baseball bats, diesel and some tuck-money for Mars Bars and Cans of Coke!

Our motto:

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them (via U2U), then maybe you can hire... The LCB-Team.

[Edited on 6/9/10 by scootz]

locosaki - 6/9/10 at 11:16 AM


I'd be more than happy !!

eddie99 - 6/9/10 at 11:27 AM

Lol Scootz, LCB CrimeFighter Team...

StevieB - 6/9/10 at 08:23 PM

It would never take off.

First, we'd obviously have to build the van, rather than just buy one. That would obviously take 4 years.

Then there'd be an almighty row about whether it should be BEC or CEC, rolling on 17"s or 13"s, front or mid engine etc.

scootz - 6/9/10 at 08:24 PM

Hmmm... good point!

And would it have inboard front suspension?

StevieB - 6/9/10 at 08:32 PM

It can have any suspension it wants, but if someone suggests any addition in c/f that isn't purely functional, or anything skinned in c/f, or c/f look - they'll be the first casualty.

Ninehigh - 6/9/10 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by StevieB
It would never take off.

First, we'd obviously have to build the van, rather than just buy one. That would obviously take 4 years.

Then there'd be an almighty row about whether it should be BEC or CEC, rolling on 17"s or 13"s, front or mid engine etc.

Stuff that, just get a rusty old transit or sprinter... We should start a baseball team so we can explain to Mr. Plod why we have several bats in the back too.

Steve Hignett - 6/9/10 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by StevieB
It can have any suspension it wants, but if someone suggests any addition in c/f that isn't purely functional, or anything skinned in c/f, or c/f look - they'll be the first casualty.

There's always a way