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David Jenkins - 30/4/11 at 08:37 PM

I was faffing around with my fish pond this afternoon, while listening to a cuckoo doing its thing around the village.

My wife was weeding a flowerbed while trying not to spear the robin that kept getting under her garden fork while it got the grubs and beetles she was bringing to the surface.

This evening she called me to the back door to listen to a nightingale singing its heart out in a tree in our garden.

I love living in the countryside in the springtime!

iscmatt - 30/4/11 at 08:41 PM

here here, me too, love the sounds of the countryside, especially when I fired up the MK to go for a run to Homebase!

David Jenkins - 30/4/11 at 08:47 PM

Bit like that at lunchtime, when I rumbled off in the Locost to a tractor rally at my local pub! Had to give it some welly on the way home...

iscmatt - 30/4/11 at 08:54 PM

Good times, was a cracking day for it!

James - 30/4/11 at 10:53 PM

Ah, the joys of nature....

A sodding great hornet appeared in our bedroom this afternoon.

I've read of people on here talking about them but as I've also had people on here unable to tell a bumble bee from a normal bee or a wasp I thought they were a bit of a bogey man... proved to be wrong there!!!

40-50mm long and evil as hell looking! Although I know they're apparently actually far more docile than wasps. Still got mighty nervous getting it in a glass and out the door though!!!


[Edited on 30/4/11 by James]

Mr Whippy - 1/5/11 at 02:59 AM

oh yeah the joys of stinky cows and their hoards of flys, had 12 years of that all through the summer, that and them jumping the fence and destroying my garden

RazMan - 1/5/11 at 06:15 AM

I love this time of year - The only bad thing about spring is the amount of pigeons & doves that seem to perch outside by open bedroom window, cooing their bloomin' hearts out at 5:00am

David Jenkins - 1/5/11 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
oh yeah the joys of stinky cows and their hoards of flys, had 12 years of that all through the summer, that and them jumping the fence and destroying my garden

It's all crops around here - rarely see a cow. Sometimes you see sheep eating the remains of a crop, but little else.

MakeEverything - 1/5/11 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by James
Ah, the joys of nature....

A sodding great hornet appeared in our bedroom this afternoon.

I've read of people on here talking about them but as I've also had people on here unable to tell a bumble bee from a normal bee or a wasp I thought they were a bit of a bogey man... proved to be wrong there!!!

40-50mm long and evil as hell looking! Although I know they're apparently actually far more docile than wasps. Still got mighty nervous getting it in a glass and out the door though!!!


[Edited on 30/4/11 by James]

As with bees and wasps, they only get aggressive in certain conditions or if attached / defending a nest. I knew someone that got stung in the eye, and the side of his face swelled up and was the same shape as the back of his head. He looked like a football, or pumpkin head man. Scary stuff.

iank - 1/5/11 at 09:44 AM

The red kites are soaring over my garden up here, more common than sparrows.
The do make a rather pathetic mewling noise though which is hardly befitting a bird with a 5-6' wingspan.

gottabedone - 1/5/11 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I was faffing around with my fish pond this afternoon, while listening to a cuckoo doing its thing around the village.

My wife was weeding ..................................

I read that as I was faffing around with my fish pond wife was welding
