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They got Gadaffi
mookaloid - 20/10/11 at 03:40 PM

Well they got him - can't say I'm too upset....

Agriv8 - 20/10/11 at 04:08 PM

Dead or Alive ?

liam.mccaffrey - 20/10/11 at 04:10 PM

both, they got him alive and then executed him apparently

Agriv8 - 20/10/11 at 04:22 PM

oh I do love democracy I though that what we were supposed to be teaching them .

You need a gouvernment and that makes them legal theives.


Ninehigh - 20/10/11 at 04:26 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
both, they got him alive and then executed him apparently

Bet they give him a burial at sea too, so there's no evidence

JoelP - 20/10/11 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
both, they got him alive and then executed him apparently

Bet they give him a burial at sea too, so there's no evidence

No need, the Colonel doesnt have as many fanatical followers as Bin Laden.

(I know, im intentionally missing your point there!)

franky - 20/10/11 at 04:40 PM

I'm sure it'll end up a safer place thanks to our involvement, just like Iraq and Afghanistan.......

tegwin - 20/10/11 at 05:13 PM

I dont understand how it was so easy..... Wouldnt he have fled somewhere else in the world and gone into hiding rather than sitting in his little country waiting?

franky - 20/10/11 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
I dont understand how it was so easy..... Wouldnt he have fled somewhere else in the world and gone into hiding rather than sitting in his little country waiting?

To give him some credit he said he would never flee and would die a 'martyr' in his 'own' country.

slingshot2000 - 20/10/11 at 05:22 PM

Yes, you can feel the tension as the executives of; BP, Shell, Exxon and the rest, lining up in thier corporate jets, to be the first to take vacations in Tripoli!
I cannot see NATO and pals dashing in to liberate Zimbabwe, ohh silly me; there's no oil there !


Agriv8 - 20/10/11 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by slingshot2000
Yes, you can feel the tension as the executives of; BP, Shell, Exxon and the rest, lining up in thier corporate jets, to be the first to take vacations in Tripoli!
I cannot see NATO and pals dashing in to liberate Zimbabwe, ohh silly me; there's no oil there !


No need to board the jets its a done deal they have just removed the person they had to send the bigest brown envelops to.



steve m - 20/10/11 at 06:10 PM

If he's son had a double, whats to say Gaddafi didnt?

RAYLEE29 - 20/10/11 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by steve m
If he's son had a double, whats to say Gaddafi didnt?

soo agree the best way to hide is to make people stop looking for you.
the best way to stop people looking for you is to make them believe your dead.

JoelP - 20/10/11 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by slingshot2000
Yes, you can feel the tension as the executives of; BP, Shell, Exxon and the rest, lining up in thier corporate jets, to be the first to take vacations in Tripoli!
I cannot see NATO and pals dashing in to liberate Zimbabwe, ohh silly me; there's no oil there !


popular uprising?

austin man - 20/10/11 at 07:22 PM

I wonder if the last words he heard as the shells where flying were Gadaffi Duck

Minicooper - 20/10/11 at 08:58 PM

The type of people who have beaten him to death/excecuted him in the street are now in charge, how is this better for anyone? I am not talking about the oil company executives who will of coarse will be there in huge numbers sucking up to these exact people


02GF74 - 22/10/11 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by RAYLEE29
Originally posted by steve m
If he's son had a double, whats to say Gaddafi didnt?

soo agree the best way to hide is to make people stop looking for you.
the best way to stop people looking for you is to make them believe your dead.

That doesn't stop HM Revenue and Customs.

mad-butcher - 22/10/11 at 09:33 AM

now that gaddafi is dead does that mean that the thousands of libyan asylum seekers in britain will be queuing up to go home then, after all the "threat to their lives" has now, thought not somehow !!

britishtrident - 22/10/11 at 10:31 AM

re UN getting all upset about the way a very bad man died, Gadaffi's capture and death might have not been civilised or proper but with 20/20 hind sight it is a pity that more of the same kind of rough justice wasn't dealt out at the end of WW2 as most of the really bad Nazi mass murderers captured were never punished properly by the Allies.

mad-butcher - 22/10/11 at 11:31 AM

Oh it was beleive me, my Grandfather was a prisoner in one of the Burma Railway camps and an Uncle was one of the troops assigned to sort out the mess at Belsen.


coozer - 23/10/11 at 10:43 AM

I reckon the SAS or some other sinister agency walked up calm as you like, pulled the trigger then melted away....

So, now its free, I want to go there and visit all the wonders of the Roman empire they have in that country, apparently there's lots of well preserved WW2 stuff there as well.

David Jenkins - 23/10/11 at 10:55 AM

The local commander is saying that he was responsible, he wanted to keep him alive, but Gadaffi got caught in the middle of a fire-fight. It was probably the best outcome, as he won't have a chance for a long and drawn-out show trial, dragging everyone's name through the mud, etc.

(He probably was executed on the spot, but this way means it's over - finished - and the country can have a chance to recover.)

scootz - 23/10/11 at 12:23 PM

I guess the video clip that's surfaced today of someone stabbing him in his anus whilst he's still standing puts paid to all the 'crossfire' nonsense.

The savage was savagely killed by the rest of the savages now they can get back to their savagery with another savage in charge!

koiking125 - 23/10/11 at 01:04 PM

Post mortem report states he was killed by a bullet!! no poo sherlock i could tell that from the pictures.

scootz - 23/10/11 at 01:12 PM

... the big holes in him were a bit of a giveaway!

JoelP - 23/10/11 at 01:16 PM

IMHO he was definately murdered, but thats what you'd expect from angry armed men who arent trained professional soldiers. It was always going to be a long shot that he'd end up alive and facing trial.

britishtrident - 23/10/11 at 01:46 PM

It has even happened in what we consider the most civilised areas of the most civilised countries in Europe, I knew Mussolini had been strung up from an petrol station gantry towards the end of the WW2 in Italy but didn't full details I only looked it because I usually holiday in the area.