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Anyone used Sharpe Plan for
Simon - 24/1/12 at 08:31 PM

their Building Regs drawing or similar

Prices seem reasonable




ssc28 - 24/1/12 at 09:47 PM

I havent used them, however, I cant see where you get the idea from their web site that their prices are reasonable. I only saw the statutory fees listed which are paid to the local authority.
I work in this industry and experience tells me that most of these types of operation dont live up to ther promises on the web site.
Any one who lets you take your own sizes will not warrant the design, should anything go wrong you as the person measuring up will usually get the blame.
I'd suggest that you ask around amongst your friends and relatives who have carried out work to recomend their "architect" if he did a good job.
In the current climate there are plenty of people who will do you a good set of plans as a "homer" at very resonable price. rememeber you dont need an architect, a technician in most practices does most of the work, only the design idea usually comes from the architect and the technician has to make it work. Consider surveyors, technicians, building control officers etc for possible people who could prepare your plans.

Simon - 24/1/12 at 11:33 PM

I had one local architect come around about 5 years ago to do the planning drawings that I ended up doing and got approved because he said they'd never get approved. Another friend used a pro to do his drawings - (rejected and cost over £2500) ended up doing his own and got approved!

I could do the drawings myself, but the thought of reading the "Approved documents" doesn't appeal and we're quite keen to get on with extension, so I'm reluctantly using a "pro"



loggyboy - 25/1/12 at 07:47 AM

what do u need doing? I'm an architectural technician, my rates are reasonable!

mangogrooveworkshop - 25/1/12 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
what do u need doing? I'm an architectural technician, my rates are reasonable!

you are my new best friend >>>>>>>

We will need some walls moved (brick downstairs requires beam) and an extension once I get shot of my little problem.

speak soon re questions

loggyboy - 25/1/12 at 09:42 AM

No problem - drop us u2u when your ready!