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£210 for a crown!!
fullpint - 13/6/12 at 03:13 PM

Had my check-up today and my dentist wants to give me a Crown for £210!! I have a tooth that he seems to repair every year. Hes now saying I need a Crown or he can repair it again for £48.
I said ok lets go for a Crown. So I'm booked in for next week....... However Im now having second thoughts.. Surely i would be better off paying the £48 for a repair. Or am I just tight???

jabs - 13/6/12 at 03:18 PM

Well will have paid for it's self in just over 4 years and less dentist visits/injections etc..

£210 for a crown sounds quite reasonable as our dentist charges over £300

Ben_Copeland - 13/6/12 at 03:27 PM

As long as it doesn't fall off after a year!!

David Jenkins - 13/6/12 at 03:35 PM

Gold or white crown? I believe that the white ones are more expensive as they are often white material over a gold shell (i.e. more work to make).

I've got a couple of crowns - on the whole they're a 'fit and forget' option as long as there's enough original tooth to fix it to.

fullpint - 13/6/12 at 03:54 PM

Quote was for a White one. My question is; Will it fall out? I dont want to pay £210 only for the thing to fall out after a packet or two of pork crackles If it comes out after a year or two this then makes it expensive compared to a repair..

Strontium Dog - 13/6/12 at 03:59 PM

I have a gold crowned molar. Been there for 17 years now. I guess it depends on whats left of your tooth and how good the dentist is!

fullpint - 13/6/12 at 04:06 PM

Not a lot left mate. Already been filled a few times, had a root channel, last repair was about 8 months ago after a nice Sunday Pork roast.. 2 weeks ago I lost a bit of the tooth so its either repair or crown.. Or PULL IT OUT!

gunman - 13/6/12 at 04:07 PM

I had a crown 12 years ago and its still in there. I paid £185 12 years back for it too.

Agriv8 - 13/6/12 at 04:08 PM

i have several crowns my white ones have been there 10 + years.

I have a gold one that I pull off every couple of years the dentist charges me a few quid to sitck it back on.

Crown or repted filling I would take a grown every time ( The drill both fast or slow makes me Wee Wee myself )

Atb Agriv8

rb968 - 13/6/12 at 04:42 PM

They don't have a lot of choice at NHS dentists there are only 3 charge bands..

NHS Dental Charges

Get anything else done that needs doing at the same time !


myke pocock - 13/6/12 at 04:46 PM

Oh NUTS! I thought my prayers had come true and the Queen was having a closing down sale. I was going to offer her a couple of grand for the county pile in Scotland.

stevegough - 13/6/12 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by myke pocock
Oh NUTS! I thought my prayers had come true and the Queen was having a closing down sale. I was going to offer her a couple of grand for the county pile in Scotland.

You just beat me to it, Mike - I was going to have a little quip along the lines of "I know of one who's had hers for just over 60 years...."

fullpint - 14/6/12 at 08:27 AM

Well I just cant justy that £210 so I have just called them up and changed my treatment to a '£48 repair' job
This way is saves me money which I could put towards a toy

40inches - 14/6/12 at 11:21 AM

You can have crowns made from Amalgam, I have 2, one for over 4 years, and the other done last month, £95 done privately.
The dentist clamped an adjustable mould around the tooth, filled it then shaped and polished it.

David Jenkins - 14/6/12 at 11:37 AM

Amalgam? Do you know that it's approx 50% mercury? When dentists remove old amalgam fillings they have to dispose of the material as hazardous waste!

Mercury Amalgam

40inches - 14/6/12 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Amalgam? Do you know that it's approx 50% mercury? When dentists remove old amalgam fillings they have to dispose of the material as hazardous waste!

Mercury Amalgam

There are different forms of dental amalgam. My dentist uses composite amalgam or Indium/Mercury amalgam if a stronger material is needed, the Indium helps to neutralise the Mercury.

fullpint - 20/6/12 at 04:17 PM

Well today I had my treatment.. Final bill was £48... Yep I went for a repair in the end.
Mind you he asked 'What do you do'.. So I told him I refurbish wheels etc.. Looks like he wants his CLK and Audi wheels done.. Awesome, this means I may be able to do a deal with him!!! A free 'Crown'. in return for a free refurb on a set of wheels

omega 24 v6 - 20/6/12 at 04:30 PM


Mind you he asked 'What do you do'.. So I told him I refurbish wheels etc.. Looks like he wants his CLK and Audi wheels done.. Awesome, this means I may be able to do a deal with him!!! A free 'Crown'. in return for a free refurb on a set of wheels

Perect way to do business and hrmc does not get a cut as no cash changed hands LOL
( before someone more pedantic comes along and corrects me I'm sure he has his way of getting something out of a deal like this.)

stevegough - 20/6/12 at 05:04 PM

Says it all......Dentist has a Merc AND an Audi......
No wonder I'm fed up to the back teeth with dental charges!....


SteveWalker - 20/6/12 at 05:26 PM

The private dentist near hear usually has a Porsche, a Range Rover and an Aston-Martin parked outside.

They do charge around £800 for a root canal and crown Sometimes it's worth it though, as one dentist will do the root canal, then another will prepare the tooth for a crown, photograph it, produce an electronic design for it and then you wait while the machine upstairs makes the crown and the second dentist fits it. One afternoon off rather than three separate afternoons is financially worth it to me - even the NHS dentist will charge over £400 quid for the better crowns that the NHS refuse to fund and two afternoons off can cost me the rest.

owelly - 20/6/12 at 07:31 PM

I needed to visit the dentist. I hadn't been for 20 years but I was in agony. I'd even tried to pull out the tooth myself but ended up needing four stitches where my pliers had slipped and cut the inside of my mouth!
Kind dentist did root canal, an extraction and four fillings. Total cost.....
Urgent treatment: band 1. Which was £17ish.