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I Phone Problem
craig_007 - 17/10/12 at 03:54 PM

Currently have a 3gs I phone and it's stuck on the apple logo, I've searched through various post on how to deal with this but nothing works.

Has anyone came across this before and managed to fix or is all over for this phone.

geoff shep - 17/10/12 at 04:03 PM

Have you tried the recovery mode, holding both buttons in sequence?

madmandegge - 17/10/12 at 04:43 PM

First thing I'd try is leave the phone plugged into a wall charger for a few hours, or overnight.

If you hold both power and home buttons at the same time, it should force the phone to reboot; worth trying but it sounds like it's in a reboot loop already.

If the above two fail, you can still try restore the phone to factory defaults using iTunes. Sometimes getting the handset into DFU mode then resetting it can cause the phone to boot normally, when it hasn't on previous reboots.

The link here explains how to enter DFU mode. DFU mode will boot the phone into a repair mode, allowing you to restore the firmware through iTunes. This will lose all photos, music and contacts saved on the phone (SIM contacts will remain), but it might get the phone working again for you. If you backup in iTunes, once restored in DFU mode, you can restore a backup using iTunes.

I'd try the restore as a last resort!

Greenie - 17/10/12 at 06:22 PM

Has the phone ever been unlocked from a particular network, r been subject to a jailbreak?

craig_007 - 17/10/12 at 06:49 PM

No never unlocked at all

jossey - 17/10/12 at 07:02 PM

Keep hold of both buttons until it goes off. Then let go of the power button but keep hold of the home button

See if that puts
It into recovery mode.

If not read up about dfu mode.

austin man - 17/10/12 at 08:52 PM

Tiger Super Six - 17/10/12 at 09:08 PM

Yep, hold power and the round button until it goes off then just power on as normal.