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Thieving bast**ds
Locost_col - 31/1/13 at 08:52 PM

Been an expensive week for me. Nipped to b and q to buy some plywood and returned to find my van minus my power tools and flue gas analyser

Real bummer is that I cancelled tool cover last yr to save money on insurance

Spoke to security about CCTV and they only have cameras at the general public end not trade point!! Great idea when all traders with vans full of tools park there. He also said 4 vans done since Christmas. Thanks for putting warning signs up.

So if your unlucky enough to be visiting St. Helens avoid b an q like the plague

Grimsdale - 31/1/13 at 09:57 PM

i'd be turning up, leaving a mate in the back with a 12 gauge and hoping they go for seconds.

motorcycle_mayhem - 31/1/13 at 09:57 PM

Nothing but Empathy.

I can't risk the stress of parking the Series LR anywhere, after the doors and bonnet were stolen outside Tesco here.
I love this country and it's 'people'.

owelly - 31/1/13 at 10:23 PM

My three year old daughter had her colouring books and pencil case stolen from off the table in MaccyDs! I was buying the grub and she and her brother (7) were sat at the table but popped to see how long I would be. 30 seconds or so? Not quite the same as nicking a few hundred quids worth of tools but what sort of twunt nicks a childs books?!

MkIndy7 - 1/2/13 at 12:19 AM

What is the obsession with Flue Gas analysers.. I'm sure they must pinch them thinking there something else.. The calibration every year costs a good funk of what they cost new so they can't be worth that much on the seconds hand market surely!. Every time one of our works vans gets done over they always seem to take them too.

Hope you manage to make ends meet ok untill you can manage to replace them.. Just goes to show they'll CCTV you having a sh*it but not cover anywhere that's actually important!

Charlie_Zetec - 1/2/13 at 12:21 AM

Originally posted by motorcycle_mayhem
Nothing but Empathy.

I can't risk the stress of parking the Series LR anywhere, after the doors and bonnet were stolen outside Tesco here.
I love this country and it's 'people'.

I sympathise with you! SWMBO hates me asking her to shuffle cars on the drive, but I hate leaving my Defender 90 anywhere other than right outside my house, blocked in with another vehicle.

5 defenders/series have been stolen within a 10 mile radius of my house within the last week - police are stopping most people driving similar vehicles about and questioning them. I heard one guy in Screwfix the other day saying he had his 110 stolen the previous night, and the scummers rammed his work van out of the way using the Landy, before making off.

I had a Halfords Pro 3/8 & 1/2" socket set nabbed from the boot of a locked car once which was bad enough at £150 worth, but heaven help me if I catch anyone going for anything now....

jossey - 1/2/13 at 11:01 AM

Sorry to hear. On the subject of people stealing off kids when we went sledging in Leeds 2 young kids went down the hill n came back up crying someone had nicked the sledges off them, the kids can't have been more than 4-6