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Who's building the MK mini?
Northy - 1/9/05 at 07:23 PM

Does anyone know the guy who's building the MK mini? I hear its nearly finished and I would like some information and pictures!

carlgeldard - 1/9/05 at 07:38 PM

Whats an MK Mini !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Northy - 1/9/05 at 07:44 PM

A bike engined mini, like the Zcars one. I've been givern permission for my next project

carlgeldard - 1/9/05 at 07:48 PM

Build a Bedford Rascal van with an R1 engine. that would be fun.

tony9876 - 1/9/05 at 08:09 PM

Northy, Have you spoke to Mk about it mate.

Benzine - 1/9/05 at 08:29 PM

Originally posted by carlgeldard
Build a Bedford Rascal van with an R1 engine. that would be fun.

Hehe, I saw one in the scrappies the other week. For some reason I used to love Rascals when I was younger and I thought it would be cool to put a massive engine in one

donut - 1/9/05 at 08:52 PM

I think it was Martin Keenan who did the chassis. Best give him a bell.

uklee70 - 1/9/05 at 08:55 PM

MK are building my car this is similar to the mini

Pics in achive

I also had a Z cars mini

Can I help


Northy - 1/9/05 at 09:20 PM


What is that you are building?
What did you think to your Zcars mini?
Have you seen the MK mini conversion, is it similar to your car?


ChrisBradley04 - 1/9/05 at 10:01 PM

Drop me an email if you would like to discuss.

Peteff - 1/9/05 at 10:26 PM

Been done, there was one in Ripley at Anchor supplies earlier this year. It might not have been the Bedford but it was a Noddy van of some description.

Peteff - 1/9/05 at 10:27 PM

Been done, there was one in Ripley at Anchor supplies earlier this year. It might not have been the Bedford but it was a Noddy van of some description.

scoobyis2cool - 1/9/05 at 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Been done, there was one in Ripley at Anchor supplies earlier this year. It might not have been the Bedford but it was a Noddy van of some description.

We heard you the first time! Sorry, someone had to do it...


Triton - 2/9/05 at 07:21 AM

This little beut is the UltiMini........ Rescued attachment space framed mini maguire.jpg
Rescued attachment space framed mini maguire.jpg

donut - 2/9/05 at 04:47 PM

Just been looking at your archive........

I take my hat off to you as that is going to be one fast Fiat!!

BTW i loved your Z cars mini. I bought the DVD where Bill Sollis drives the car and said it was the most f****** amazing thing he has ever driven or sommat like that, coming from a racing driver that must have felt good.

Keep us updated with the mad mad mad fool !!

uklee70 - 2/9/05 at 06:26 PM

The mini was great !!!

I sold it because it was going to cost money every year just keep on top of the rust!!!

I like the mone carlo Z cars mini but it's not going to be cheap the one on the site the first one has a lot of money in it 20k plus.

The mini I had was the best part of 13k

The trick is with z cars don't be the first !!!
the mini kits are much better now and won't cost as much

The latest project I took to Martin because he was excited about it and after one phone call I knew Martin was the right person

The back end of my car is I think similar to the mini

I have always liked Martins engineering and the GT chassis is excellent my car will be the GT's very little brother!!!

Z cars have moved on a little are growing very rapidly(Good Luck to them) and with all of there own ideas they are not to keen on the smaller stuff and although I would like a twin bike engine turbo ulitma My budget won't allow it

I think the Z cars mini is good but a little heavy mine was 575KG

The thing to do is look for a GRP mini FRA have been mentioned as a good shell and quite reasonable £1200 the get MK to do the chassis and then you will have a monster of a car!!!

Sorry the only problem with the mini is it was F@#@#@ loud inside and tough to get fresh air to the carbs

And as for the DVD yes I was chuffed to bits with what Bill said he is a great bloke

I hope this helps Lee

donut - 2/9/05 at 06:35 PM

Well i'll be busy with my Indy for a few years so the mini project will be way down the line if i do go ahead with it. I love mini's and have had 10 in my life and all have been under powered. I would love a mid engined mini using a torquey 2 litre Zetec with huge wide wheels like the monte carlo jobby.

One day.

Mave - 2/9/05 at 06:49 PM

Me too, me too. I haven't finished my Indy yet, but am already looking forward to a new project. A mid-engined Mini might just be what I want, and I've been investigating the possiblities for some time now.
I also contacted FRA but he told me they're no longer making the GRP Mini-shells. I like the classic look it has.

Triton - 2/9/05 at 06:57 PM

Ken at Milestone Motorsport will sell you a fibreglass Mini shell......It's a Mk1 shell.........Don't bother with Rally Sport Replicas as gone bust


dave1888 - 2/9/05 at 07:16 PM

Dont buy a Rascal buy my Hi Jet and put a R1 engine init

Dreckly - 2/9/05 at 11:04 PM

Hi Chaps,

I can supply light-weight racing GRP UltiMini silhouette bodies from stock if you are interested. Arches will cover up to 9" wide x 13" front wheels and up to 13" wide x 13" rears. Available with a choice of fronts. For more details please e-mail me direct at
