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One way flights
greggors84 - 1/10/07 at 09:56 PM

Im off to New York to see a mate in November, his visa runs out a few days after I fly out so the plan is for me to fly out there, then we get the train up to toronto after a few days in New York. Then both fly back from Toronto to London.

My flights (Lon - NY then Tor - Lon) come to around £330. To get him on the same flight home as me will cost an extra £500+

Why does it cost more to do the trip one way? Ive tried looking on the BA website itself and through various price checker sites like Expedia, travelocity etc...

Howlor - 1/10/07 at 10:07 PM

Just book a return and use only one way of it. Often cheaper.


dave1888 - 1/10/07 at 10:10 PM

Check the price of a return flight Toronto-London-Toronto. Use the tor to london flight then cancel the return flight to toronto.

caber - 1/10/07 at 10:15 PM

That's the way airlines work to make money! There is no rational sense sometimes in the way fares are structured. Typically fares depend on where the flight originates from, it used to be a lot cheaper to do the atlantic from the USA side, for some reason this has reversedfor now. The other thing that you can't do anymore is buy a return and only use the return leg, this is now automatically cancelled if you don't check in for the outbound leg.

Keep checking the price from both USA and UK sites as some airlines drop prices in the last week before the flight to fill empty seats, however some airlines, particularly the cheap ones do it the other way around because once they have got to the break even capacity any seats are pure profit so the higher price they get the more they make and they reason the closer to the flight you are booking the more desperate you are to get on the plane!

Good luck!


PeterW - 2/10/07 at 09:00 AM

Don't fly BA....

Try Air Transat - Fly out of Toronto to Gatwick for about $320 single.

To be honest, you may be better flying into Toronto yourself, then get a one way hop to Newark or JFK. You can then get a decent deal on the transatlantic crossing by booking a return, and you know you're both on the same flights etc

Personally, I wouldn't use BA as they are pretty poor in relation to other airlines. Also, you pay a premium for flying in and out of Heathrow...!! I can't think of a worse airport to use !



BenB - 2/10/07 at 09:53 AM

Probably cos if you buy a one-way ticket to the US the FBI will have to spend thousands bugging your phone, intercepting your e-mail etc to make sure you're not a nutjob