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Garage Burnt Down!!! 2 Locosts Gone !!!
TGR-ECOSSE - 13/3/08 at 11:22 PM

Long story short: These pictures are what is left of my 2 part built locosts Some local f***** neds broke into my lock up around 5 0'clock this morning and stole my Discovery alloy wheels and then set fire to the garage. This is a list of what i can remember what was in it. 3 crossflow engines (1 an early xr2), 2 mk2 escort gearboxes (1 a GT),1 type 9 box,1 sierra 4x4 box,2 mk2 escort axles,1sierra lsd complete axle,1 ford dohc engine (no loss there), lots of alloy wheels ,steel wheels and lots more that i can't bear to think about yet. Some of the stuff i have collected over 20 years. The chassis in the middle of the pile belongs to my 14 year old son and all of his running gear is now gone as well Some good news i got the disco wheels back from the police tonight. I am gutted beyond belief
My eldest son still has his part built locost and running gear etc in my father in laws garage so will get on with that.


Escort axle and alloys

Sierra LSD back end etc

DOHC 4x4 gearbox and in front of that a minimig welder

Propshaft exploded in the heat!!

Just having a small drinkie just now

AKA TGR-ECOSSE (Shortly to be re named Phoenix i think)

graememk - 13/3/08 at 11:25 PM


is there any insurance dude ?

matt.c - 13/3/08 at 11:26 PM


owelly - 13/3/08 at 11:26 PM

That's is not good. Any clues as to who dunnit?

TGR-ECOSSE - 13/3/08 at 11:27 PM

Originally posted by graememk

is there any insurance dude ?

Not sure yet. Have just changed insurance company and will find out in the morning if its all covered

TGR-ECOSSE - 13/3/08 at 11:29 PM

Originally posted by owelly
That's is not good. Any clues as to who dunnit?

The police dog found a scent but lost it but the police have a few things to follow up.

matt_claydon - 13/3/08 at 11:30 PM

That is absolutely gutting

Were you insured? If so then you can always look on the bright side - a load of shiny new tools and locost parts!

Edit: Few seconds late on the insurance bit. Hope it turns out OK!

[Edited on 13/3/08 by matt_claydon]

locoR1 - 13/3/08 at 11:30 PM

Gutted for you

SALAD - 13/3/08 at 11:32 PM

Absolutely shocking. What a horrible thing to do.

Paradoxia0 - 13/3/08 at 11:33 PM

Shit mate, that really sucks!

I hope the turds that did it get that what is coming to them!!!

stevebubs - 13/3/08 at 11:34 PM


worX - 13/3/08 at 11:36 PM

Really shocking mate.
I hope your son is ok with it all too and that you find out tomorrow that you were insured...


NeilP - 13/3/08 at 11:37 PM

Really sorry for you - Makes me sick to my stomach that there are twats like this about that just don't give a sod for anyone but themselves

There's enough quarries left in the country. Barbed wire around the edge, a small hammer each and 2 tonnes of hard rock to pound into dust every day in exchange for water and rice, 1 day off a month and keep this up for 5 years would seem a nice cheap and efficient solution to give them enough time to consider their behaviour in my book...

stevec - 13/3/08 at 11:40 PM

No words for them.

Fozzie - 13/3/08 at 11:41 PM


So sorry to hear your bad news, both for you and your lad/s.......

I really hope that it turns out that you are insured............

Words for the scum fail me

ATB Fozzie

twybrow - 13/3/08 at 11:43 PM

I hope you sort it mate. I feel for you right now.... People should not f*ck with others peoples cars. No excuses.

owelly - 13/3/08 at 11:49 PM

For me when I had a big fire, the worst part was finding the remains of stuff that had no real pound note value but stuff that I had collected over years and years. Even 4 years later, I'm realising gear that I lost! The biggest loss for me was the GSXR Powered Reliant Rebel that I had taken four years to get to the rolling shell stage but it only ever drove up the road once before it was turned into a pile of fluffy glass wool.
For me, the insurance didn't cover 'things with wheels and garage tools'. I hope youhad better cover than me.
I did get to meet the tw4t who burnt my sheds down as it was my wuck fitted step father...........

caber - 13/3/08 at 11:53 PM

Really sorry to hear that. I hope you get back up and running soon.


jlparsons - 13/3/08 at 11:55 PM

If it makes you feel any better, they have to spend their entire lives being theiving wrecking b*stard neds...

Alan B - 14/3/08 at 12:06 AM

If there is any brightside at least the chassis will be nicely stressed relieved....

Sorry...thought you may need smile.

thunderace - 14/3/08 at 12:08 AM

contact the local paper get a story in it bet someone will put them in .

dave1888 - 14/3/08 at 12:14 AM

BASTARDS kill them all

jollygreengiant - 14/3/08 at 05:02 AM

Each year I believe even stronger that the punishment should fit the grime.

Lop their fingers off for the theft bit.
Tie them to a stake and barbeque them for the arson.

Gutted for you mate. That level of destruction is just not on.

Macbeast - 14/3/08 at 05:58 AM

That is truly awful!

And then you'll probably have to clear it up.

If the police got the wheels back don't they know who had them ?

If they do, try to get them to charge culprits with arson, rather than malicious damage. Arson is treated second only to murder in terms of seriousness (hangover from days when the ruling classes were the ones with property )

You have all my sympathies.


Fred W B - 14/3/08 at 06:13 AM

Feel for you guys. Hope the insurance works out.


Fred W B

donut - 14/3/08 at 06:34 AM

Holy crap! What utter utter bast***s!

Good luck and hope you get it sorted and get the scrotes who did this.

britishtrident - 14/3/08 at 07:14 AM


Hanging & flogging is too good for the fastards.

Guinness - 14/3/08 at 07:22 AM

Holy poo batman! That's awful! I'm really gutted for you.

I hope that the police actually manage to catch the little fuskers!

Hope you are insured.

Was it a wooden garage? If you need a hand re-building, I'd be more than happy to bring a load of power tools up and help get a new frame / shed up!



matt_baxter - 14/3/08 at 07:24 AM

Words fail me I really feel for you mate,

Hope it turns our alright

Killing them is too good for them, they should me made to pay every little penny in triplicate and then they should have something precious to them removed, and if that doesn’t work a severe beating from everyone that they have affected.

speedyxjs - 14/3/08 at 07:44 AM


welderman - 14/3/08 at 07:48 AM

That's shocking mate, really feel for you, hope your insured and catch the fcuking little tw@ts.

Johneturbo - 14/3/08 at 08:08 AM

Hope someone catches up with the scum

good luck with the insurance

Gav - 14/3/08 at 08:20 AM

Yeah i hope everything is ok with the insurance.

Jubal - 14/3/08 at 08:20 AM

Gutted for you Dunno what to say except I hope the insurance comes through. It is such a shame people feel the need to destroy.

McLannahan - 14/3/08 at 08:24 AM

Christ what a nightmare! Makes you sick to think what people are capable of. It would have been bad enough to be broken in to but to add to your misery and their own satisfaction - arson too. Just scum. I do hope the insurance works out in your favour.

Just another point chalked up against why this country is getting worse and worse....

Do hope all works out for you

Mr Whippy - 14/3/08 at 08:28 AM

very sad

that chassis on the left looks like it can be used again?

MikeR - 14/3/08 at 08:33 AM


Thats absolutely awful, I was burgled last year and felt rather lucky that the 'person' just stole from me and didn't trash my house.

I can't believe someone would be so (Can't think of a word) to do that after stealing from you. Will anything be salvageable?

Got me wondering about checking my insurance now

Benzine - 14/3/08 at 08:37 AM

scum. sub-human scum.

jambojeef - 14/3/08 at 08:51 AM

Gutted for you.

You can add my name to Mikes if you need a hand rebuilding the shed?

My shed rebuilding skills are somewhat er....minimal mind you!


[Edited on 14/3/08 by jambojeef]

madrallysport - 14/3/08 at 08:51 AM

8asturds, I feel your loss, I had a lorry set of fire years ago with all my tools and spares for the rally car's in it, its heart breaking.

[Edited on 14/3/08 by madrallysport]

COREdevelopments - 14/3/08 at 08:55 AM

thats shocking!! was really stunned by the pics, it really is disturbing to think this could happen to anyone of us!!
all for a set of alloys!!
i feel for you mate.



Mr Whippy - 14/3/08 at 09:09 AM

After seeing this and all the burglaries others have had my new garage is getting some serious security. To think I use to leave the garage door wide open to air it for months on end...

SeaBass - 14/3/08 at 09:25 AM

Sympathies... Don't know about where you live but in my experience one of the bastards will have to blag to his mates that he's the big man who set the lot on fire... You'll find out who it is and can then plan a campaign of subtle but prolonged revenge.

DIY Si - 14/3/08 at 09:43 AM

Sorry to see all your hard work and collection of bits go up in smoke. Hope you find the little buggers. Preferably somewhere nice and dark.......

BenB - 14/3/08 at 09:54 AM

Shamoan! Thieving scum....

If the police got all the hounds that are no longer used for fox hunting and taught them to hunt car thieves you could combine a sport and retribution in one go.... I'd even get on a horse for that sport....

stuart_g - 14/3/08 at 09:56 AM

Why is there always some to$$er(s) that has to spoil everything for other people? seems you can't have anything these days without someone wanting to damage/destroy it.

People who do this sort of mindless vandalism should be strung up.

I hope you get the insurance sorted, that would make it easier. Don't know what it will do to your premium though.

Wingnut - 14/3/08 at 10:03 AM


My sincerest condolences. If it's any consolation, the first Westie I built caught fire shortly after I'd finished it & the remains looked pretty similar to your picture. Altho it was a mucky job, I was amazed just how much could be salvaged & rebuilt into an even better car!

As you say, bring on the Pheonix! Good luck with the rebuild,

best Regds,

mookaloid - 14/3/08 at 10:11 AM

Terrible - really sorry to see that

All that work ........

DarrenW - 14/3/08 at 10:16 AM


Words fail me yet again. Utterly senseless.

02GF74 - 14/3/08 at 10:53 AM

utter utter retards

what is the point of doing that?

not only should the culprits be thrashed to within 1.345 mm of their life and their parents too.

unfortunatley as you shift through the remains you'll find more stuff that you fotgot about ......

Dangle_kt - 14/3/08 at 11:04 AM

In my experience, police do nothing, and even if they catch them the chavs don't turn up to court anyway, and the absolute best I could hope for would only be their first "strike" and they will get the punishment that says "if you do another bad thing in 12 months THEN your in trouble" -( cant remember the proper name for it sorry.) but surely they HAVE done soemthing wrong and should be punished.

The only solice you can take is in slow painful revenge. If I didn't have a 6 month old baby and a wife who is in on her own alot due to me working away I'd have messed with the minds of a lot of the chavs who robbed me.

Remember, they won't be as bright as you, so when your lad finds out who it was plan a real mind job on them.

After dark, all watching eastenders round their stolen 42 plasma, you with Scream mask on, running a blade down the patio window would be a good start. Creepy phone calls from payphones (dont do it often or you'll get caught), smashed car windscreen, tyres etc. basically just make them terrifide without doing anything you can get in trouble for - or get caught doing.

You have my deepest sympothies. I'm gutted and angry for you at the same time.

[Edited on 14/3/08 by Dangle_kt]

jnormandale - 14/3/08 at 12:08 PM

Sorry to hear about it! Little S***s, Karma they will get whats coming to them!

TGR-ECOSSE - 14/3/08 at 12:12 PM

Thanks everybody for your sympathy and offers of help. For the insurance i need to find the deeds for the house and if the garage is mentioned on them i am covered. Will need to wait till the wife comes in as i don't know where we keep that kind of thing I have just taken the first load for scrap and got £137.20 Mr Whippy the chassis on the left did look ok till we sat it on a flat surface I did find an undamaged mk2 escort diff in the ashes woo hooo!!!

Thanks again

onzarob - 14/3/08 at 12:21 PM

Why is there so little regard for other people stuff

Hope it all gets sorted, I would want there heads on a pole

nib1980 - 14/3/08 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by TGR-ECOSSE
Thanks everybody for your sympathy and offers of help. For the insurance i need to find the deeds for the house and if the garage is mentioned on them i am covered. Will need to wait till the wife comes in as i don't know where we keep that kind of thing I have just taken the first load for scrap and got £137.20 Mr Whippy the chassis on the left did look ok till we sat it on a flat surface I did find an undamaged mk2 escort diff in the ashes woo hooo!!!

Thanks again

Good l;uck man, if there is anything any of us can do just let us know I'm sure everyone will be happy to help!



JimM - 14/3/08 at 01:16 PM

Real bummer ... both you and your son must be well gutted.

As the saying goes ... dont get mad get Even ....

Anyway good luck with the insurance and pending rebuild ... stick up a post if you need any help.

Surrey Dave - 14/3/08 at 01:21 PM

Its sad when you see peoples positivity destroyed buy such negative brainless lazy t*ats......................Its sad for us all in this country ........what a frickin culture!

ScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumba gsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsScumbagsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsToss potsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTosspotsTo sspotsTosspotsTosspots

[Edited on 14/3/08 by Surrey Dave]

iank - 14/3/08 at 01:26 PM

Some people just need their heads examining. Though people destroying others stuff due to envy isn't a new phenomenon - every age has had its neds, chavs and pikies.

Hope you get it sorted out at least financially. You won't have the actual deeds the mortgage lender keeps them, but may have a copy from when you bought the house.

oldtimer - 14/3/08 at 02:19 PM

Verry sorry that all your hard work has been taken away by scum. Hang them high.
Best of luck.

Confused but excited. - 14/3/08 at 03:51 PM

If you find out who they are, don't do anything stupid.
Wait until winter and dark nights (that's what God gave us them for), then diseminate that information in the right quarter, say on here for example.
They will have forgotten by then and you can be somewhere else getting a winter tan. No better alibi than immigration.
I am sure they could be convinced of the error of their ways.

Delinquent - 14/3/08 at 04:21 PM

not like I'm adding anything new but f*ck me those scrotes really need a good kicking. Preferably just enough to turn them into vegetables, but not so much that they can't feel constant pain for the rest of their miserable lives.

omega 24 v6 - 14/3/08 at 04:23 PM

Gutted for you mate. I don't suppose you've got any connections with the local Russian/Polish Imigrants have you??

t.j. - 14/3/08 at 05:26 PM


What a Nightmare

Hopefully your insurance can help?

Good luck,


TGR-ECOSSE - 14/3/08 at 05:49 PM

Thanks again everybody its good to know you can share things on here I will find out next week if the insurance company is going to accept the claim. Have spent the day taking all the metal for scrap and got £204 I found lots of things i had forgotten about destroyed in the fire I am now going for a shower , get fed and then get drunk


Snap-off - 14/3/08 at 08:26 PM

Very sad!

Mark G - 14/3/08 at 11:22 PM

I don't think words can express how disgusted I am by seeing this has happened.

I don't know whats worse. That they set alite to everything or that it was all just for a set of wheels?

I hope your insurance does come through for you.


Simon - 15/3/08 at 12:35 AM

Had a fire at work (which I care about, so it's slightly different) last year, so I know exactly how you feel. Wasn't quite as personal, but gutting nonetheless.

On the bright side, the new workshop is bigger and brighter (and fire turned out to be a blessing in disguise, albeit a major 'kin inconvenience), so hopefully you'll have a bright side to this too.



davie h - 15/3/08 at 01:09 AM

why did they have to torch the place

im gutted for you and hope the insurance works out


dr-fastlane - 15/3/08 at 12:26 PM

Damn, hope jou find the scumbags. ….!!

[Edited on 15/3/08 by dr-fastlane]

thomas4age - 17/3/08 at 11:12 AM

oh my god,
I can't even imagine what it must feel like having to bring whats left of the two to a scrappy.......

good thing they where after the alloy's and not the 42"plasma, fire wise......

also feel sorry on the othe isde of the channel, good luck on insurance

grtz Thomas