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Reason For Sale
mistergrumpy - 12/4/08 at 07:16 PM

Have a read at this fellas reason for sale. here

Paul TigerB6 - 12/4/08 at 07:21 PM

I'll have to remember that in the future when time comes to sell my Tiger!!

mackei23b - 12/4/08 at 08:05 PM

too much pizza and beer!

roadrunner - 12/4/08 at 08:24 PM

I could'nt agree more.

02GF74 - 12/4/08 at 08:54 PM

not to mention all the pies

onzarob - 12/4/08 at 09:18 PM

didn't he take it for a test drive first

Should of shown up the seating arrangement

I get annoyed by the statement 'genuine reason for sale'

What isn't a genuine reason for sale....i don't want it anymore, its rubbish and rusty!!!!!...etc... etc

motorcycle_mayhem - 13/4/08 at 06:56 AM

Joking apart, there's a chap I know who was/is selling his Riot for the same reason... too fat to fit. This was/is a genuine reason for sale, rather tight.... didn't look comfortable for him at all.