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dead ipod :(
mcerd1 - 14/5/08 at 06:36 PM

my mums killed her ipod somehow - won't turn on without the charger and with it all you get is a big red 'X'

its a 5 month old 80Gb ipod classic - so it went back on the warranty - but they say it has some water damage (must be a tiny amount of water if thats the case - like a single drop)

so whats worth trying next ?

Hellfire - 14/5/08 at 07:33 PM

if it 'could' be water then you have no case. If you're sure it's not then explain to them it's impossible with your believable explanation and it will be repaired under warranty. Personally, if I suspect they are trying it on I just dig my heels in more and rarely back down... we usually reach an amicable solution. Regularly repairs for free but rarely I pay for part of the repair.


bpgoa - 14/5/08 at 09:56 PM

a good plan is to ask for evidence... at least you'll know where you stand before you fight the fight... putting them down in the grass is a bugger for water ingress!!!

Bluemoon - 15/5/08 at 08:06 AM

Having you on. Without having it apart I can't believe they can tell (unless you can see water inside though the display!).. The CPU is obviously working so I doubt it is water damaged..


westcost1 - 15/5/08 at 10:57 AM

dead battery ? maplins sell replacements think there is a vid on youtube showing how to change it.

mcerd1 - 15/5/08 at 12:21 PM

they had it for a day or so - so I assume they took it apart ???

anyway shes going on holiday tomorrow so she wants a new one tonight - I'll deal with the old one later

can anyone recomend a case for one of these things

David Jenkins - 15/5/08 at 12:33 PM

Maybe the battery has one of those water-indicator stickers like you see on mobile phone batteries.

My phone battery's indicator went bright red - possibly due to its being involved in a 40-degree wash and rinse!