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speedyxjs - 5/8/08 at 11:50 AM

Im not too keen on this one but i will wait to see the GTI before i make a final decision

[Edited on 5-8-08 by speedyxjs]

ned - 5/8/08 at 11:52 AM

we don't like the auto box. looks like it takes a number or que's from the scirrocco..


mistergrumpy - 5/8/08 at 11:56 AM

All Golfs look the same now I reckon. Tweek the rear lights a bit and relaunch it. I won't have one because there seems to be a small minded crowd that says oohh you must have one it's German and therefore ultra reliable and just won't buy anything else but VW. Its not the real enthusiasts because they enjoy their car and apprecaite it it's just that small minded lot. Bit too clinical.

mr henderson - 5/8/08 at 12:05 PM

If I'd known it was pictures of a new production car I wouldn't have bothered opening the thread


bilbo - 5/8/08 at 12:08 PM

TBH if you hadn't posted this, if one had passed me in the street I wouldn't of noticed it was anything new?
It's difficult, though, for car makers with a popular brand. Don't change it enough and people (like me) criticise. Change it too much, like the new Impreza, and people (like me) criticise

Mr Whippy - 5/8/08 at 12:12 PM

what a totally BORING car it's like valium on wheelsssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

r1_pete - 5/8/08 at 12:19 PM

Yep agree with Mr W, boring euro box, nothing different, slight resemblence to a 1 series BMW. Wouldn't part with my hard earned for one, not even the Co. car allowance.

02GF74 - 5/8/08 at 12:26 PM

what is there to like about it? looks like any peugoet/vauxhall/ford on the rows now, maybe with slightly different headlamps.

volvo 850 it is the future!

iank - 5/8/08 at 12:32 PM

Interesting bridge thing in the 4th picture. Can't say I remember seeing a design like that in the UK.

Oh, don't like the car much, but then don't hate it either (beyond the stupid wheels which are vile IMO).

jimgiblett - 5/8/08 at 12:45 PM

Very dull like 99% of other cars. I am sure it is very well engineered and a safe place to be but it could almost have any badge on it.

Other than for long distance and city commutes Pre 1973 & kit cars are the way to go :-)

- Jim

r1_pete - 5/8/08 at 12:51 PM

Originally posted by iank
Interesting bridge thing in the 4th picture. Can't say I remember seeing a design like that in the UK.

Oh, don't like the car much, but then don't hate it either (beyond the stupid wheels which are vile IMO).

Its bad when you notice the scenery not the car


Nicked from an earlier post......

Howlor - 5/8/08 at 01:56 PM

You do realize that is a fella though wearing lycra

bob - 5/8/08 at 02:17 PM

I'm sure that bloke is playing pocket billiards... oh and the golf is just normal/average german.
Aaagh- missed the car!
Aaagh- missed the car!

blakep82 - 5/8/08 at 03:59 PM

its just a mk4 with slightly wider lights...

donut - 5/8/08 at 05:23 PM

Looks like an Audi

Ben_Copeland - 5/8/08 at 05:42 PM

Is it new? Looks like last years model!

t.j. - 5/8/08 at 08:39 PM

In most VW Golf's drive *sholes which stayed in there shool-age, and never will be able to grow up, so no VW-golf for me ever....

So I didn't look

martyn_16v - 5/8/08 at 08:45 PM

VW's designers are obviously taking lessons in doing as little work as possible from the Porsche lot.

Still much better than the mk3 and 4 though