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Zetec Engine Mount Pictures
Tatey - 22/4/11 at 04:13 PM

I am fabbing up my engine mounts today for my 1.8 silvertop zetec engine. I did not remove the engine from the donor so I am unsure which bolt holes on the block are for the engine mounts, on the right hand side of the engine (if you were looking at the front of the car) there are 4 holes in a square pattern at the front of the block and 2 holes in line with each other in the middle. Are the 4 holes in the square pattern for the alternator and the 2 holes in line with each other for the engine mount?

Also on the left hand side of the engine there are 2 holes in line with each other, I am guessing that these are for the engine mount?

L5W - 22/4/11 at 04:34 PM

Hi, I have a silvertop zetec too and there are a couple of pics of the engine mounts in my blog (These mounts came with the kit from MK)



Tatey - 22/4/11 at 08:56 PM

Thanks very much for that Lee, I'll be getting the mounts in tomorrow!