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Is there a source for flywheel technical drawings or measurements?
J666AYP - 8/3/23 at 04:56 PM

Hi all,

I'm trying to find out the measurements/dimensions on two different flywheels so I can do a solid mass conversion on my project. There is a off the shelf item that is a direct fit but it will run me between £1600-2100 depending on spec.

There is another vehicle that shares the same block/crank as my car that has a solid mass kit available for less than £600 shipped. As you can emagine this would be far preferable to the expensive one.

The problem is buying a standard DMf and the possible SMF donor just to check side by side is going to be very costly for a maybe. So does anyone know of a resource that will have dimensions, tooth number etc ect maybe a parts book or something? The part numbers are not exactly much help either due to the different vehicle platforms.

I have approached mercedes twice now and both times I've been met with blank faces by sales desk people who likely don't know what a flywheel is so thats a dead end.

Any thoughts appreciated

[Edited on 8/3/23 by J666AYP]

gremlin1234 - 8/3/23 at 06:39 PM

does this help...

Mr Whippy - 9/3/23 at 01:12 PM

Why are you looking at a solid flywheel, at that cost to replace the dual mass one is it really worth the money?

I've had a dual mass go before but some say replacing it with a solid one will wear out the gearbox quicker by not damping loads or vibration from the engine to the gearbox.

J666AYP - 10/3/23 at 01:27 AM

Originally posted by gremlin1234
does this help...

Thanks for that, will give me something to cross reference parts numbers and hopefully find a solution 👍

J666AYP - 10/3/23 at 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Why are you looking at a solid flywheel, at that cost to replace the dual mass one is it really worth the money?

I've had a dual mass go before but some say replacing it with a solid one will wear out the gearbox quicker by not damping loads or vibration from the engine to the gearbox.

The problem is the DMF that come with the donor was shot already, so either way I have to replace it. My options are spend 500-800 (brand dependant) on a standard DMF or shell out alot more on a SMF kit. Hence the reason for trying to cross reference parts to see if I could make myown SMF "kit" for the price of a standard DMF

Also there is the utterly disgusting fact that the standard DMF is a whopping 19.5kgs and really numbs the little engine that just wants to rev.