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No Ignition light on Fireblade?
dodgyroger - 18/3/03 at 04:13 PM

The Fireblade does not appear to have an ignition light facility (not charging warning light). Has anyone wired one in? if so how.


andyd - 18/3/03 at 08:25 PM


What sort of clocks are you going for?

Stu and I are thinking CAI ones (hmm.. nice) and thinking that as soon as you turn the ignition on the various gauges will spring into life which is how you'll know the ignition is on.

Any help or a complete load of tosh?

StuartA - 19/3/03 at 12:32 PM

Another thought is that you don't have an ignition light on a bike. You tend to leave the bike in neutral (it won't start otherwise) and therefore the neutral light plays the part of the ignition light.

dodgyroger - 20/3/03 at 02:30 PM

Yes I think I'll just rely on other indicators for whether the ignition is active or not. Just wondered if anyone had rigged up something.
