posted on 10/9/05 at 03:10 PM |
indy blade road test
hi everybody, i took the car out again today doesnt seem to backfire or miss at the moement only did 3 miles.
(run out of time)
i have noticed that if i boot it quite hard say in 3rd it just revs and dosent go really any faster,i guess the clutch is slipping.drives ok if you
drive normal speed.
i did put some uprated springs in the clutch but that was it .
could anyone shed some light on this for me
many thanks
posted on 10/9/05 at 03:18 PM |
Did you check the clutch plates for signs of wear when you put the uprated springs in?
Any signs of bluing or warped plates?
posted on 10/9/05 at 08:53 PM |
as hellfire says but also what engine oil have you used,car oil or proper bike oil.
a sign of warped plates is normaly a grabby clutch,but only realy shows up on a standing start
[Edited on 10/9/05 by OX]
posted on 12/9/05 at 12:07 PM |
First signs of clutch slip in my experience is usually at around peak torque when accelerating hard. Sometimes it will slip for a bit then gradually
grip again as the torque reduces as the engine revs rise, and at the top end sometimes doesnt slip at all.
As the others said, what oil are you using and did you check the clutch plates for wear? If not then Id imagine the clutch is probably on its last
legs and the extra strain of being in a BEC is pushing it over the edge.
Also - what "uprated" springs are you using, cos IME some supposedly uprated springs are actually worse than standard Honda springs.
Barnett MT-99-5 seemed to work best for me, much better than OEM Honda.
[Edited on 12/9/05 by ChrisGamlin]
posted on 12/9/05 at 10:37 PM |
ive put 10/40 car engine oil in the engine,i did put uprated springs in it last year although i never drove it (wasnt ready)
i did check the plates at that stage they looked ok so pt them back in.
im sure they were barnett springs not sure of the part number though .
spoke to mac 1 they are going to take some new bike oil and a new filter to brands for me . if that doesnt work i guess im looking at a new clutch
p.s i put normal 10/40 car oil in my ninja and its fine ...
posted on 13/9/05 at 05:23 PM |
I would say that the oil is likely to be your problem to be honest, although now that its slipped it may have slightly fried the plates so you might
find that just changing the oil to bike oil wont be enough to save it.