posted on 20/9/03 at 01:21 PM |
MK Exhaust
Has anyone else with a 'blade BEC used an MK exhaust system?
Ours doesn't seem to fit at all well. The engine is as low in the chassis as we dare go i.e. 1 inch of sump under the bottom rail and the sump
is perpendicular to the ground. The exhaust exits the side of the car but is half way up the side. It's way too high. As far as I can tell
the only way to solve this would be to a) lower the lump or b) lean it over further which I'm sure will cause oil problems in the sump.
Anyone else got pictures/advice or better still actual measurements of theirs?
It's a Luego (book dims) chassis BTW.
[Edited on 20/9/2003 by andyd]
mk blade
posted on 20/9/03 at 03:49 PM |
Posted a few pics that show exhaust during build.
Hope they are off some use.
The manifold fit OK but the silencer is really close to the bodywork, but will be change for race can after SVA, i hope.
MK Goldrush
posted on 24/9/03 at 08:44 PM |
Exhaust Location
Andy - MK supply two types of exhaust, one which is pretty straight (cheapest of the two) and obviously the less cheaper one ( ) which has more
bends in it!
As far as I am aware they both exit at the same height as there is little room for bends and stuff under the bodywork.
Also, consider how much heat would dissipate into the engine bay with more piping etc!
I think the sooner the hot gases leave the bodywork the better to eliviate any problems with possible overheating at a latter stage.
Maybe a non BEC exits lower and you prefer this look? I have some pic's in my archive together with some (sketchy) measurements for side-panel
cut-out from MK if they are any help.
posted on 26/9/03 at 06:21 PM |
Hmm that's not at all what ours ends up like. I know it's a Luego chassis but I have to assume that the dimensions are similar if not the
I'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them and hopefully someone can offer assistance.
Until tomorrow then.