posted on 5/3/12 at 09:09 PM |
Any good ideas on what to do about top-mount for oil cooler?
The top of my oil cooler currently resides in free-space, miles from any sort of chassis tube.
I can't decide what to do about it short of giving it its own special framework - PITA and heavy.
Any better thoughts?
daniel mason
posted on 5/3/12 at 09:16 PM |
could you mount it horizontal at low level with some brackets on the lower chassis and feed cols air in from under the car? or do they now work as
well horizontal
posted on 5/3/12 at 09:19 PM |
quote: Originally posted by daniel mason
could you mount it horizontal at low level with some brackets on the lower chassis and feed cols air in from under the car? or do they now work as
well horizontal
The thought had crossed my mind but I deceide that its too experimental at this stage. Its staying where pictured but I need to tie-in the top.
posted on 5/3/12 at 09:20 PM |
Two ally flat straps bent , drilled and bolted to either end of the mountings on the cooler, then drilled and bolted onto two weld on tabs/captive
nuts on the top rail. Does the cooler not need to sit on rubber ?
posted on 5/3/12 at 09:26 PM |
Mine is like this - the top is held in place only by the two oil lines (though I have four rubber cotton reel mounts underneath). TBH it seems pretty
secure, I'm not really worried about it going anywhere.
posted on 5/3/12 at 09:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by T66
Does the cooler not need to sit on rubber ?
Yeah - I've just not bought the things yet.
posted on 6/3/12 at 12:58 AM |
move it back, in front of the radiator, aluminium angle bolted to the radiator mountings, oil cooler bolts to aluminium angle
perhaps the top wishbone brackets somehow form the basis for the top bracket? aluminium anlge bolted across it, for example?
IVA manual link http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?type=RESOURCES&itemId=1081997083
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