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Author: Subject: MNR Reverse box Vs "other brand" reverse boxes?

posted on 6/8/13 at 11:37 AM Reply With Quote
MNR Reverse box Vs "other brand" reverse boxes?

I have been looking about on the web and have read some bits & pieces about the MNR boxes being less chattery with less backlash and also suck less power from the drive train compared to other boxes. Is there any truth in this? Has anyone done any back to back testing or changed from another box to the MNR?

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posted on 6/8/13 at 12:40 PM Reply With Quote
I believe they did a dyno run with a Quaife and their box. I think the losses were much less than the Quaife.

I'd rather run an MNR than the Quaife with all the failures you hear about, or that may just be down to the fact that I've seen the breather vented to atmosphere instead of into a catch tank and allowed to drain back into the box?

However, I tried to buy a reverse box from MNR and they said they had troubles with one of their suppliers and didn't know if they were going to make any more. Not good if you want spares a few years down the line??

I ended up getting a Nova Racing box after hearing all the good feed back about their customer service, spares available off the shelf and they use them in Legend racing.


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