posted on 24/5/05 at 06:37 PM |
Engine cleaning
Hi all,
What is the best method of cleaning off the road crud from my 'blade engine (especially the baked on stuff which has built up on the front of
the engine behind exhaust headers?)
Would oven cleaner be too caustic on the alloy casings? (don't think Gunk etc. will be effective as its baked on hard - even a brass rotary
brush won't shift it!)
Any help appreciated,
posted on 24/5/05 at 09:30 PM |
I used everthing on mine, see pics in archive, mine was really bad very early engine, 13 years of crud!
Started with mild alloy cleaner, then brass wire brush , then battery acid, caustic soda, petrol , titanium dioxide! Ended up using electric drill and
dremmel with steel wire brushes, emery cloth, screwdrivers etc etc. Spent hours on it to get it even a bit clean, resign yourself to the fact that if
its really bad then unless you strip the engine and have the bits sandblasted it aint never get back to show quality, but its clean enough .........