posted on 26/6/05 at 08:38 AM |
Radiator ?
Im confused , was planing to use the car radiator for my cbr1000.
Using the thermostat housing from the bike .
But in the Haynes book the bikes radiator has 3 hooses : 1 top 1 bottom and 1 in the middle.
What to do : block the hose to the middle. or get a T connection for the topp and middle hose , or what.
Cbr1000f locost soon
posted on 26/6/05 at 10:57 AM |
You shouldnt block any hose as the water will then stop flowing in certain parts of your engine (not good!).
You need to work out if the middle pipe is flowing water into or out of the radiator, and then from that you can work out whether to T it into the top
(hot water going in) or the bottom hose (cold water coming out). Id say most likely it will need T-ing into the top hose as its likely to be hot water
coming out of the engine needing to go into the rad, but Ive never seen a CBR1000 plumbing so only guessing.
posted on 27/6/05 at 09:39 AM |
IIRC the ZX12R has a similar setup... the middle pipe goes OUT to surround the oil cooler the lower one goes OUT to the engine.
Due to the size of the Micra Rad we "Teed" the OUTPUT from the radiator one lead into the oil cooler surround.
posted on 28/6/05 at 06:34 AM |
I used the bike rad (CBR1000) for my intallation. Seems to work fine so far, but I have not given it a prolonged thrashing yet!. Only two pipes, one
bottom left other top right. Mounted the thermostat housing relatively high. Be aware you will probably have to bleed the system (I put in some
small screws for this). If you need pics just shout.