posted on 31/10/05 at 03:48 AM |
BEC in winter and snow?
i'm in canada and planing a BEC car. not a seven but it's a locost in spirit. i want to put one in a subaru justy.. just put it rear
drive. relatively easy, ideal for a first build and learning the basics..
so the questions: i want to take it out in winter sometime even if it is only rear drive, and i want to know if it is safe for the engine. your
coments are welcome!
sure i'm going to protect from snow in the engine..
Jon Ison
posted on 31/10/05 at 06:38 AM |
The engine looked after properly (like you would any other engine in your climate) will be fine, the one thing that could catch you out is the way
they come on power,
there pretty docile but once they hit the power band then all hell breaks loose, hard enough too control on a wet surface never mind a snow/ice
covered one.
Ide still have a BEC anytime though just make sure your rear end tyres/grip are the best they can be for the conditions.
posted on 1/11/05 at 12:52 AM |
thanks for the answer, i'll put some goos tires on it, but if it scare me, than i'll keep it for summer... i'll find a way i
live in a country when friend store their 5k$ civic because it gave new paint and wheels.. i want to scare them with this car
i'll keep update and i'll certainly need help puting it in.. i'm searching for a cheap justy if someone near me know of one