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Author: Subject: What a plonker!!!!!!!

posted on 4/3/07 at 09:35 AM Reply With Quote
What a plonker!!!!!!!

The Daily Record


A TEENAGER biker has been banned for drink-driving a day after passing his test.

Jason Richards, 18, said he was "gutted" to be banned so soon after passing his motorbike test.

The engineering apprentice qualified last Friday after a sixhour course paid for by his mum.

But the next day, he went for a boozy lunch with his boss and downed three pints before getting back on his bike at 5pm.

He was pulled over by cops and had 44 micrograms of alcohol in his breath. The legal limit is 35.

Richards, of Beccles, Suffolk, had a pillion passenger at the time. Last night, Richards said: "If I had known I was over the limit, I would never have done it.

"I am a bit gutted. I had only had my licence 28 hours. I can't believe I've got banned already."

Richards was banned for a year, tobe cut to nine months if he does a rehabilitation course, and fined £100 after admitting drinkdriving at court at Lowestoft.

Magistrate Tim Finch told Richards: "I think you've realised how stupid you have been."

Sgt Steve Knight of Suffolk police said: "This is the quickest I have ever known someone to be caught after passing their test."

Earlier this week, Al lan Graham, 19, was banned in Guisborough, Yorkshire, after being caught by cops while nearly double the drinkdriving limit.

He had passed his test 38 hours earlier.

Richards, who had just bought a £600 Suzuki Bandit 400, said: "I've beaten him by ten hours

[Edited on 4-3-07 by mangogrooveworkshop]

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rusty nuts

posted on 4/3/07 at 10:32 AM Reply With Quote
Saw one on teletext yesterday that was even quicker, guy got pulled about 5.30am the morning after test . He had gone out to celibrate
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stig mills

posted on 4/3/07 at 10:41 AM Reply With Quote
That is such a sad story, a young lad chuffed to bits, has a couple of pints to celebrate and was caught only just over the limit. A couple of years ago he came to do work experience with me in Mansfield and he was a great lad, big into anything with wheels. My heart goes out to him.
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posted on 4/3/07 at 10:57 AM Reply With Quote

I love Pinto's, even if i did get mine from P&O!

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omega 24 v6

posted on 4/3/07 at 11:01 AM Reply With Quote

That is such a sad story, a young lad chuffed to bits, has a couple of pints to celebrate and was caught only just over the limit. A couple of years ago he came to do work experience with me in Mansfield and he was a great lad, big into anything with wheels. My heart goes out to him.

I'm sure he must be gutted but come on, 3 pints and he still thought he'd be okay ??????????????
Would your heart go out to a child if he'd hit and killed it???????

If it looks wrong it probably is wrong.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 11:11 AM Reply With Quote
Got exactly what he deserves, no sympathy whatsoever. The lesson will do him a world of good - if more people learnt that lesson as teenagers the roads would be a lot safer. My brother lost his good friend to a drink driver, that was 3 pints too.

Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Contents may settle during shipment. Use only as directed. No other warranty expressed or implied. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Subject to approval, terms and conditions apply. Apply only to affected area. For recreational use only. All models over 18 years of age. No user-serviceable parts inside. Subject to change. As seen on TV. One size fits all. May contain nuts. Slippery when wet. For office use only. Edited for television. Keep cool; process promptly.

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David Jenkins

posted on 4/3/07 at 11:15 AM Reply With Quote
He'll have another nasty surprise when he gets his licence back, and tries to get insurance...

...although if you do the 're-education' course some insurnace companies are more sympathetic.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 11:17 AM Reply With Quote
I'm mixed on this one. He had the pints at lunch and went back on the bike at 5pm. So, say, 3-4 hours afterwards. It's quite possible he thought about it and didn't realise how long it can take to clear the alcohol. The number of people I've heard sagely saying 1hr per pint is rather large unfortunately.

gives some interesting figures for how long it can actually take.

I wonder how many people here have had 4 pints and then driven to work the next morning without realising they are still over the legal limit?

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 11:23 AM Reply With Quote
Did he really have only three pints though? Guess we'll just have to take the story at face value. If he were only just over the limit, there would have been no prosecution. I'm sure there is a threshold over and above the legal limit of 35 micrograms before the police will actually prosecute. Not sure what it is though, maybe 40 micrograms or something like that.

I too have no sympathy for him whatsoever.


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posted on 4/3/07 at 11:29 AM Reply With Quote
If you are just over the 35mg limit, then you can either accept the fact you're over the limit or have a blood sample taken.

Given that in most cases it takes an hour or two for the Dr to arrive, it makes sense to go to blood.
plus it takes an age for the blood sample to be tested. During which you can still drive.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 12:05 PM Reply With Quote
To be honest i feel sorry for the guy.

I'm quite strict on drink driving. I won't drink if i'm driving. If i'm out for a meal and i guess it will take two hours i'll sometimes have one pint of my usual drink, nothing else as i don't know how it will affect me. Often feel able to drive but know its not worth the risk - James Hunt once said he would never drink and drive cause if he killed someone he'd never know if he could have avoided it being sober.

Bloke i work with got caught and he did the education thing. Two hours per half pint is the approximate i remember him saying - i used to think it was 2 hours per pint !!!! Of course the complication is two hours from when you drank it, but the education people say work it out from when you stopped drinking as it means you've got a margin of safety.

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Gaz 1977

posted on 4/3/07 at 12:40 PM Reply With Quote
so if you went out and had 4 pints, it would be 16 hours before it was out of your system. Its another 4 hours before i can legally go to the garden centre. What a great excuse.
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posted on 4/3/07 at 03:26 PM Reply With Quote
I have total disrespect for drink drivers but managed to get banned myself at Christmas.
Went to a works do in December and had my last drink at about 2am. I got pulled coming out of the hotel car park at 9am for not having my headlights on The fact that my lights come on automatically on a sensor didnt mean a thing.
I was at 46mg and was banned for a year with a reduction of 3 months. I had a clean license and now i am stuffed for the next 10 years.
I still have no time for complete idiots but i will allways look at individual cases without judging now.
There is no way of actually knowing for sure alcohol is totally out of your system short of buying a fully calibrated breathalyser.

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mark chandler

posted on 4/3/07 at 03:27 PM Reply With Quote
Limited sympathy from me,

I will not drink and ride my bike, your control is all over the place. Its probally done him a favour as to drink and ride is to court death !

Regards Mark

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posted on 4/3/07 at 03:30 PM Reply With Quote
no sympathy for this lad, how can you think its ok to drive after 3 pints? Im sure 2 is pushing it really.

Morning after is an unlucky one really, i suppose you just need to plan in advance. I had about 4 pints last night and was out driving at 8am. Guess that was just under the threshold, what with the last drink being 11pm. But then, i felt shite, so delayed setting off for half an hour.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 03:40 PM Reply With Quote
Well sorry but I have no sympathy for anyone caught drink driving. There is only one safe way to drive and that is not to drink at all... Alternatively you should play it safe by stopping drinking early and waiting as long as possible before driving.

My last company night out was in the lake district and the folks from the Glasgow office like myself had to drive down on the Friday after work and then drive back on the Sunday morning. We used company pool cars where possible and I drew the short straw of driving back.

I had a great evening and had my fair share to drink (it was free after all) but I had my last drink at 11pm, went to bed at about 3am having drunk loads of iced cordial between times, got up at around 9am, had breakfast and then waited until after 1pm despite considerable complaints from my three passengers, before setting off home. We even pulled in for some lunch just a mile or so from the hotel.

Did the same a few years back after a company leaving do where I waited until about 3pm before driving home.

Best plan is not to drink at all though...

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posted on 4/3/07 at 03:51 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by iank

gives some interesting figures for how long it can actually take.

I wonder how many people here have had 4 pints and then driven to work the next morning without realising they are still over the legal limit?

Jesus! That's really worried me... didn't know it took anywhere near that long.

Thanks for the link, it's probably changed my drinking behaviour!



"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." - Muhammad Ali

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posted on 4/3/07 at 03:59 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by JoelP
no sympathy for this lad, how can you think its ok to drive after 3 pints? Im sure 2 is pushing it really.

Morning after is an unlucky one really, i suppose you just need to plan in advance. I had about 4 pints last night and was out driving at 8am. Guess that was just under the threshold, what with the last drink being 11pm. But then, i felt shite, so delayed setting off for half an hour.

Depends on your metabolism, you could just as well have been a little over the limit, impossible to tell without a blood test.

If you felt shite because of the booze I doubt half an hour would have made much difference

If the lad drove off straight after the pub I have no sympathy. If he waited 4 hours I have a little more, if some tw*t chucked a vodka in one of his pints I'd have even more.
Don't think any of us have enough information to judge.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 04:12 PM Reply With Quote
Alcohol is absorbed faster when you are asleep than awake but you can still be over the limit next morning going to work if you drink enough, so don't go to work

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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posted on 4/3/07 at 06:07 PM Reply With Quote
I've often wondered how effective those little breathalisers are that you can get?

I know they say not for legal blah blah blah but i'm curious how accurate they are.

(ie i've thought of getting one in the past)

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posted on 6/3/07 at 12:57 PM Reply With Quote
Just thought i would add that i have a cheap £8 one of ebay. Showed i was fine but obviously wasnt as i was over. When i said stopped drinking at 2am should have said went to bed at 2am because i think the last drink i bought was at last orders 12am but took ages to finish
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Bob C

posted on 6/3/07 at 01:21 PM Reply With Quote
The link is clearly just more establishment disinformation. Their figures: it's safe to drive 6 hours after 1/2 bottle of wine. it's safe to drive 12 hours after drinking a bottle of wine.

those figures must therefore be based on going down to 0 alcohol level - not the legal limit.
Safe to drive??? for who?
Is that the metabolic rate of a rugby player or a little old lady?
I suspect a big guy would remain under the legal limit anyway with 1/2 bottle of wine in him.
Why can they (governments) not simply tell the truth.
Safe to drive- hah - anyone who took that tosh seriously would be unsafe to drive with any amount of alcohol in 'em (including zero....!!!)

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posted on 8/4/07 at 12:18 AM Reply With Quote
Bloke I work with knows someone who was banned for being 1 mg over the limit!

Why do you think I stopped drinking 20 years ago?

Sad git me - I collected and dropped off all those coming to my stag night

I'd rather know I was safe to drive than a) worry whether I was and b) crap myself at the consequences of being done!



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