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Who's taking advantage ?
Jon Ison - 27/3/12 at 05:57 PM

This weather ? Commented this morning there is not a leaf on a tree yet but it's almost summer like at the mo, been 3 days on trot burning rubber and just had a BBQ for tea ?

dlatch - 27/3/12 at 06:02 PM

kitcar is not finished yet but done 200 miles on the monkey bike really hope it stays good for the weekend

[Edited on 27/3/12 by dlatch]

owelly - 27/3/12 at 06:09 PM

Already had a couple of barbeques teas and a couple of evening rollings about under the plastic car! If I could find the documents for my motorybike, I'd be out on that!!

me! - 27/3/12 at 06:14 PM

I currently have the old engine on the floor, and the new one still on an engine stand...... grrrr. I can guarantee that by the time I'm ready to go it will be cold and miserable!

Just got out for 30 miles on the road bike though, which was pretty nice

bi22le - 27/3/12 at 06:25 PM

Oh I am well in the swing of summer.

I went to my first BBQ last weekend and I brought my oil today for the car. Oil change on the Striker always signifys the end of winter and start of summer driving.

Ill be out in the kit this weekend hopefully!!!

coozer - 27/3/12 at 06:43 PM

NOT ME.. it might look nice but on my way home from work at 3am this morning I had to follow a gritter in full flow.. so mines staying put until they packed up for the summer!

splitrivet - 27/3/12 at 06:54 PM

Trouble is guys over the last few years or more we get a week or two of great weather early on then no summer.

daviep - 27/3/12 at 07:11 PM

Yep did 200 miles on the bike yesterday.

Coast road up to Stonehaven - slug road to Banchory - A93 to Braemar then over Glenshee to Perth and then home.

Roads were nearly empty and very clean, perfect

Day wasn't without disaster though, less than 1/2 mile from home hit a pheasant, results weren't pleasant for bike fairing or pheasant
(just to be clear the miserable smiley is for the £700 of damge not the pheasant - I will now be actively eliminating all these fowl birds and expect others to do their part too)


bi22le - 27/3/12 at 07:57 PM

Apparently your going to get some nice weather up there Davie in the next couple of weeks. Very unusual!!

Shame about the fairing, you know it could of been worse though.

adithorp - 27/3/12 at 08:06 PM

I had to take the dog down to the river tonight for a swim rather than his usual run about... in March!

Hugh_ - 27/3/12 at 08:11 PM

I was planning too when I got back from work, had forgotten about a misfire though so took the opportunity of the weather and newly lengthened evenings to sort it, also spotted that I had a sheered one of the alternator bolts so got that sorted.

Reinforcing the crank position sensor has improved the misfire, need a longer bolt and larger washer and hopefully it will be cured

daviep - 27/3/12 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
Apparently your going to get some nice weather up there Davie in the next couple of weeks. Very unusual!!

Shame about the fairing, you know it could of been worse though.

Funny how things change with the passage of (not much) time. Last night I was thanking god for small mercy's that it was only a bit of panel damage and that I hadn't dumped the bike completely. Today I had forgotten all about what could have have happened and it was all about the financial damage.

Thanks for the reality check - feeling much luckier again
