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Newark weather
jacko - 14/6/11 at 08:16 PM

Looking at different weather forecasts it's not looking very good lets hope the forecasts are wrong and the Sun comes out to play
Don't think i will camp this year

Craigman9 - 14/6/11 at 08:19 PM

I will cross my fingers

lotusmadandy - 14/6/11 at 08:55 PM

Well if the weather is going to be crap,i wont be
camping out this year.

I might just go for the day on sunday.


Craigman9 - 14/6/11 at 10:04 PM

Good Idea Andy

omega0684 - 14/6/11 at 10:20 PM

can't go, im working

richardR1 - 15/6/11 at 09:25 AM

Can't go either, but thats because i am in Menorca currently cooking nicely in 30 degrees so not looking for sympathy!

coozer - 15/6/11 at 12:23 PM

Eee lad, what a bunch of wusses!

Benzine - 15/6/11 at 12:26 PM

jossey - 15/6/11 at 06:12 PM

by looks of current weather reports... its looking better saturday PM with sun and some showers and better sunday.

fingers crossed ....

i should be there saturday PM if all goes well with weather if not ill be at home watching TV.


jollygreengiant - 15/6/11 at 10:14 PM

Metcheck says all good.

Linky dinky