i am looking to build one of these locost things for a variety of reasons but i need to find somewhere to build it first (i dont think the living room
in a 1 bedroom glasgow teniment flat is ideal). so in the mean time i thought id be sensable and think of all the things that could go wrong and try
and get all my questions answered.
1. donor car. on a recent hour long bus journey i spent most of the time seeing how many old escorts i could see. not many, in fact 1. so i was
wondering if there is any majour difference between an old 1.1/1.3 fiesta (quite prolific around here) and the escort.
2. uprights. on the aforementioned journey there was a total lack of cortinas on the road (going by the theory that the best set of uprights will come
of a newly scrapped car, that means you need lots on the road to stand a chance of finding the one that was scrapped.) has any other car been used to
provide these parts? and the $64,000,000 qusetion is, has anyone ever been mad/drunk/stupid enough to made their own?
3. cost. i think that it is possible to build the car very cheeply but has any one made any money seling the left overs from their donor cars either
on ebay or at an autojumble?
4. insurance. what is the aproximate insurance cost for this thing as i am a student, money is tight. note i still need to learn to drive and ill be
about 21 / 22 when this is finished (assuming i start this year) and the car will have to live outside as i have no garage. (yess i know there are too
many "and"s in that sentecnce but i can't be bothered to change it)
5. electrode welding. i have a wee 100A arc welder. will this be impossible or just a case of practice?
1. The Fiesta is FWD, Escort RWD.
2 You can use sierra if you want with an adaptor from GTS or MK.
3 N/A
4 Not sure
5 No idea
1) Ditto..
2) Ditto Again..
3) If you find a MK1/2 Escort it will not be cheap these days.. Everyone wants tehm.
4) No idea..
5) I doubt it would be easy at all.. Mig is teh way to go.
i reckon the best idea would be to buy a complete sierra - i got one for £40, and the other for £50, and strip them yourself.
most of the bits (wheels, rack, column, diff, uprights that are of use you will use, if you decide to use different components, you always can - the
biits you dont use are always useful to other locost builders.
outside us lot, i advertised a load of sierra bits, but no-one seemed interested.
if you can, keep at least one of your sierras until the build is completed, as i am finding out, that i should have kept a load of parts that i
chucked, when i got rid of the sierra - but you live and learn i guess!
on the insurance side of things, im 21 now (22 by the time it will be done) and ive had a quote for £450 from adrian flux - the engine size is
irrelevant up to a max displacement of 2L without injectors.
im a student as well, and am finding out that everything is a lot more expensive than originally thought, and stuff tkes forever to arrive!!!
so if your ordering of companies, give them a LOT of time to manufacture, and then some!
good luck