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Seatbelt parts ok for IVA
Slimy38 - 4/8/13 at 02:07 PM

Here is the seatbelt as it's been removed from the donor;

Donor seatbelt
Donor seatbelt

Is it ok to be reused for IVA? Obviously it needs a good scrub up. The upper mounting has a long bolt through the metalwork pictured, can all that be reused?

Does anyone know what the bit of wiring is for though? I've not seen wiring on this side of a seatbelt, only on the catch side where it was for a pretensioner.

big_wasa - 4/8/13 at 03:43 PM

If the real is not mounted at exactly the same angle as the donor it wont work. four point harnesses are not every ones cup of tea but I really would think about a set for iva. Tried and tested.

Slimy38 - 4/8/13 at 04:29 PM

Originally posted by big_wasa
If the real is not mounted at exactly the same angle as the donor it wont work. four point harnesses are not every ones cup of tea but I really would think about a set for iva. Tried and tested.

Yeah I saw that, there is a 'float' type device in the ratchet mechanism that only works when it's fully upright. The fixings are at the right angle though so they should mount quite easily.