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Ford merkur xti
violentblue - 28/10/04 at 10:16 PM

now I probablt spelled it wrong, but how do these things stack up as donors for the locost?

Dale - 28/10/04 at 10:48 PM

XR4ti if its north american. Should be good rear end as many were lsd. Heavy engine around 450lbs with tranny but can make great power for next to no dollars. The engine is very tall and quite wide with the turbo sticking out the side and the intakes on the other--probably a difficult fit in book chassis. You can very cheaply get over 300 hp out of these before having to go to a big turbo and hence lag.

Its a tight fit.
Dale Rescued attachment build pictures May5 2004 001.jpg
Rescued attachment build pictures May5 2004 001.jpg

stephen_gusterson - 28/10/04 at 10:58 PM

people on tol have used them before.....

