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SD1/TR7 gearbox
Mr_B - 19/12/04 at 01:03 PM

Hi its me again. Can someone confirm if a 5-speed TR7 box is the same as that in a SD1? I know its fundamentally the same, but is the gearlever extension the same length and the prop flange in the same place?

Also, do these boxes have an alloy or iron bellhsg?

Cheers gang

dave69isit - 19/12/04 at 02:15 PM

hello gear box are same bellhousings are ally flanges are some one fitted to my scrap robbin hood

bob - 19/12/04 at 10:59 PM

If you want to move the gear stick back further,get a remote from a sherpa van as they have the same box and the stick is somewhere around 4 to 5"s further back.

Mr_B - 7/1/05 at 09:12 AM

OK i've got a sherpa 5-speed gearbox. I'm going to have to find a long tr7 or SD1 remote extension to fit this box into an SD1 but that shouldnt be too difficult.

Is there anything I need to be aware of input-shaft wise on this box? i.e. is the input shaft the asam as TR7, SD1, etc.

Also does anyone want to swap the short sherpa extension for a long one? Hur, Hur. I havent picked it up yet but will do in Feb.