Bit of a long shot, but does anyone here use a yellow expansion tank pressure cap as below....
I think westfields use them as well as vauxhall, saab etc.
If anyone does have one, could you tell me the size of the inside of the cap? I need a new cap but dont know what car the tank is from as its an Ally
race one with the yellow lid. Im hoping its a 1 size fits all but very much doubt it
Have you got a scrappy locally?
Wander around there will probably be easiest
as above scrappy would be my first call, looks very generic, first search on google gives an exact match -
shop linky
i have one of these knocking around in the garage if no one helps befroe i get home ill measure it for you what exactly do you want to know
[Edited on 20/6/18 by Bunje]
your tank isnt from alloy racing fabrications is it like this one
Cheers for the replies chaps.
Im a couple of miles from ASM recycling so will pop down tomorrow.
I was just after what size tank inlet it fits to see if its the same as mine as the caps look the same and dont have measurements with the adverts.
Mines not an Alloy fabrication tank. I cant find a make on it which makes it a bit harder
Vauxhall cap motor factors should be able to get one for you
Westfield have these for sale on there website, £12 though
[Edited on 20/6/18 by adam1985]
I'm pretty certain that's the same as my SAAB 9-5 cap.
That also ties in with it being a GM product i.e. Vauxhall
Cheers, Pewe10
Cheers for the replies lads. I will pick one up tomorrow