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Mark 2 Escort spotted for sale near Glasgow
MarkD - 23/3/05 at 06:51 PM

Dark blue, 4 door, Mark 2 Escort spotted for sale on the A80 near Muirhead, left hand side as you approach the roundabout.

Couldn't see a phone number or price, but it looked in good condition during a 40 mph drive past.

Bart69 - 23/3/05 at 08:23 PM

quote Mark 2 Escort spotted for sale near Glasgow

Well spotted matey to late for me got my cortina on Monday.
Still feeling guilty about having to strip a not to far gone 16v gte and now a two door cortina someone's pride and joy.

Must be my hoarder instincts i suppose

bigbriglasgow - 23/3/05 at 08:43 PM

Saw it too! been there for a while think its the same guy that sat a mk1 rs2000 there last summer and wanted 4500 for it!

