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Donor Car....where from?
DorsetStrider - 3/5/05 at 01:26 PM

Does anyone know of any companies that take away accident write off's in the Dorset area?

Is it worth ringing a few insurance companies?

tom_loughlin - 3/5/05 at 02:35 PM

i would phone local breakers yards - they shouldnt charge you, as long as there is still some salvagable stuff on the car that they can sell.
failing that, i paid £10 for someone to collect my sierra shell from my house, i had taken everything i needed.
i got his number from a local scrappy and he was really efficient at getting the thing out of the garage - with no wheels on!

DorsetStrider - 3/5/05 at 03:32 PM

No I think you misunderstand. I was asking if it's worth my while contacting these companies to see if I can buy a donor off of them on the cheap.

stevebubs - 3/5/05 at 05:33 PM

not likely to sell a car to you cheaply - they'll want as much as they can get for each component. Probably be cheaper to go somewhere like

Best to look in local papers and shop windows for MOT failures, and the following sites: (depending on your location)


JoelP - 3/5/05 at 06:14 PM

dont dream of ringing donorspares if you want cheap bits - incredible prices. just get a full car off ebay, or the local freeads (not the autotrader, not many 'nearly free' cars due to the cost of the advert), or put a wanted in the local rag. or ring me if you just want a few bits!!!

oh yeah, if anyone wants a shell removing free in leeds area i know a guy.

[Edited on 3/5/05 by JoelP]