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Definately Locost so far !
NigeEss - 4/8/05 at 09:08 PM

Doing well so far :

Tubing for chassis £110
Donor Sierra free !
Weighed in shell and got £21
Donor cortina free !
Weighed in remains and got £39.50
Sold a few bits £22

So far I've recovered £82.50 !!

That's what I call a result

nick205 - 5/8/05 at 07:31 AM

That's impressive, but I'll bet my left b0ll0ck you can't get it on the road for under £250 (and race it!)

Good luck though!


Lotusmark2 - 5/8/05 at 08:21 AM

I to will add my nuts to that wager.
But great start mate

Aloupol - 5/8/05 at 09:53 AM

You're probably right but be careful on what you bet..

Lotusmark2 - 5/8/05 at 10:05 AM

Its ok, I'm married, the wife took them years ago

nick205 - 5/8/05 at 11:29 AM


Simon - 6/8/05 at 07:58 PM

Fortunate that, otherwise some middle eastern chap might have been having a filling dinner

